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Mosquito dengue fever

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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Mosquito dengue fever

Post by beener Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:47 pm

I'm going to visit the area in late January. Can anyone give me an idea where to stay. I want to check on rentals for next season. Also wondering about mosquito population, 4 friends here in PV have dengue fever.

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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Re: Mosquito dengue fever

Post by CHILLIN Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:04 pm

It's funny - I just noticed today that the mosquitoes seem to be gone. I have never seen the dengue type mosquitoes here. They are quite small, seeming to fly close to the floor, and mostly active in the late morning. There might be cases of dengue, but there has only one I know for sure of among the foreign population. That would be Steven Miller, just before he moved to San Miguel Allende, and this was a few years ago.

As far as where to rent, this is complicated and really is decided if you want to drive or not. There are some beautiful, serene and safe rentals in the hills overlooking the Lake. Others prefer what they call the Village life - busy traffic, often noisy, but at least you can walk to friends, restaurants or bars at night without worrying about DUI (DWI). Others prefer the grittier Mexican working towns of Chapala or Jocotepec. Then, of course these are generalizations, and there many shades of gray between which are only yours to discover.
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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Re: Mosquito dengue fever

Post by sparks Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:10 pm

Just coming out of the rainy season along with heat and humidity on the coast .... chances are much better. After a few months of dry weather there's fewer places to lay eggs and even more so in the highlands
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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Re: Mosquito dengue fever

Post by gringomojado Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:46 pm

At last count, there were 5,854 skeeters in Chapala, vs 7980 in Ajiic. I can't find out how many were dung carriers though.
You have more to fear from crazy drivers.

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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Re: Mosquito dengue fever

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:27 am

Around here day mosquitos are responsible for spreading Dengue fever.


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Mosquito dengue fever  Empty Re: Mosquito dengue fever

Post by CanuckBob Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:40 am

If you prefer Ajijic village you can check out Hotel Casa Blanca or Estrellita's B&B.

With less rain and colder nights the mosquito population has been reduced to almost nil. I haven't seen any in the last few weeks.
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