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Hope House Xmas Party a Sucess

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Hope House Xmas Party a Sucess Empty Hope House Xmas Party a Sucess

Post by 2mexicos Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:51 am

The Hope House Xmas party was a huge sucess! The boys received their gifts- and all whom attended
received , in return, from the boys the true spirit of xmas. I wish to thank everyone who donated money,
time and gifts to make this sooo sucessful - and loads of fun - for all! It truely is a day Barry and I will
remember forever. We feel that we met many kindred spirits yesterday- at times we acted like kids again
and it felt great- lol- The boys/young men gave us , with hugs and affection, more than we could ever give
them. Thank you all, friends, who have made this so wonderful.
Christine, Judy and Barry
P.S. There is a certain gentleman who is involved with Belgium Chocolates- you know who you are-
a very special thank you. It was all I could do to stay out of those! lol

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