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Be sure to compliment our flatware

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Be sure to compliment our flatware Empty Be sure to compliment our flatware

Post by henrylaxen Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:27 pm

We just got back from solstice shopping today, and while we were in
Gudadaljara, we thought our everday flatware was showing it age.  So
we dropped into Liverpool to check out their huge (not) selection.  We
found a set we really liked, and decided to buy it.  We both thought
the design was elegant and unique.  Probably very few sets like this
in the Lake Chapala area.  So, gnashing our teeth and biting our
nails, we forked over 1199 pesos for our new treasure.  
Be sure to compliment our flatware LiverpoolOneida
When we got home I thought I should look online to see if I could get
another set in case we run some of the spoons through the garbage
disposal.  A quick Google search for "Oneida circuit" came up with

Boy, aren't we so special?  Now to compound the humiliation, we bought
2 sets at Liverpool.  2400 pesos for something that goes for 80 bucks
at target.  Oh, the humanity!
Best wishes,
Nadine and Henry

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Be sure to compliment our flatware Empty Re: Be sure to compliment our flatware

Post by CheenaGringo Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:34 pm

But if you had purchased at Target with a credit or debit card - you would have been amongst the 40 million customers who had their card info stolen!

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Be sure to compliment our flatware Empty Re: Be sure to compliment our flatware

Post by simpsca Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:35 pm

Yes but at Target you can get your credit card ID stolen and lots of stuff charged on your card by someone else. So think of all the savings!
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Be sure to compliment our flatware Empty Re: Be sure to compliment our flatware

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:55 am

Take 16% off Liverpool price for tax so that should make you feel a little bit better when comparing prices.


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