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Best type of heater for small-ish place

Go Solar
Jim W
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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by brigitte Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:21 pm

This too will change we had not heat for the first 3 or 4 yeras down here except for a couple of fireplace and one day we woke up and decided that people who were saying that no heat was needed were nuts. The house is facing north , is under large trees near the lake and we do need heat for a couple of months even if the temperature outside is mild. The house is cold and drafty so we heat it. I guess your body gets accustomed to the mild weather and after a few years you realize you need heat..

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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by Smartalex Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:38 pm

Here you go...the candle-powered heater.

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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by CanuckBob Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:39 pm

We have built a similar device using a metal pan and some old clay roof tiles.
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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:01 pm

I know all the stories, but there are a couple of months out of the year where not having heat is uncomfortable. Long wet/cold spells like the one we are in now just wear me down. I want to be warm somewhere other than in bed under a pile of blankets. I want to eat in a restaurant not wearing fleece vest and coat with scarf wrapped around my neck. I want to stop thinking about errands I can run just to have the heat on in the car. I know it is colder in other places, but I do not live in those places because I do not like being cold. Plus, I really need to see some blue sky and feel sun on my skin. Okay, whine over. Happy new year!  flag waver 
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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by Go Solar Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:26 pm

CanuckBob wrote:
Go Solar wrote:It's a perfectly viable option for short periods of time; and was in response to the concerns posted about indoor air quality; also, some folks are having a tough time either finding electric and propane heaters at the current time, or don't have the $$ to buy one here where they are more $$.

If one is comfortably below DAC on a year-round average basis, a bit of judicious use of any kind of electric heating isn't going to put them into DAC.

Do what you're most comfortable with, but don't knock it till you've tried it - I once used a light bulb all night under a car engine in -30 C conditions and was able to easily start the car the next morning, when others could not.

I think a better option is to light a few large candles. We don't have a heater of any sorts and we do quite well with 5 or 6 candles burning throughout. The house stays around 67F.

That's because CB is such a religious guy!    Happy New Year!!
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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by zenwoodle Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:36 am

Personally, I like staying in bed under a pile of warm blankets.  Beer Beer 
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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:30 am

brigitte wrote:This too will change we had not heat for the first 3 or 4 yeras down here except for a couple of fireplace and one day we woke up and decided that people who were saying that no heat was needed were nuts. The house is facing north , is under large trees near the lake and we do need heat for a couple of months even if the temperature outside is mild. The house is cold and drafty so we heat it. I guess your body gets accustomed to the mild weather and after a few years you realize you need heat..

Agreed. We lasted two years before we bought heaters.


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Best type of heater for small-ish place - Page 2 Empty Re: Best type of heater for small-ish place

Post by hkrause Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:48 pm

Zenwoodle, I like your system! Add a couple of furry kitties to help with supplemental heat. Now that our company is gone and I don't need to get up in the mornings, I might try that if the weather doesn't clear up. :)

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