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BOA info - For whatever it's worth, worth, worth........

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BOA info - For whatever it's worth, worth, worth........ Empty BOA info - For whatever it's worth, worth, worth........

Post by BRLAhere Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:30 pm

I am in Phoenix and my wife & I visited our favorite BOA bank officer (who happens to be Hispanic with family residing in Jalisco).  We inquired about the ATM charges imposed recently for Santander ATM-users.  She explained that BOA dropped their contract with Santander recently (refused to renew the contract simply because it proved to be unprofitable to BOA).

Although I recently bragged on this board that I had received a 1-year (renewable) waiver for future imposed ATM charges, I was surprised that it was not true and my waiver was very near expiration.  They (the BOA bank officers) can only extend a 2-month waiver to the current ATM charges being imposed.  We were instructed to call her every 2-months to extend our waiver and she obligated herself to extend our waivers for however long she has the privilege to enact the waivers.

The UPSIDE to all these difficulties is that (according to her) BOA is aggressively seeking another contract with another banking system so to extend the same privileges to their Mexico-based clients and relieve any dis-chord with BOA.

She seemed very abreast to the current problems for BOA clients in Mexico.

As this topic says,  "For whatever it's worth".........
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