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Few questions

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Few questions Empty Few questions

Post by Canada_Mike Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:59 pm

Hi! I'm an old newbie. My wife and I actually own two properties going back to  '96, but life changed our retirement plans. Anyway, I'm coming own on my own for 6 weeks and have been reading this board a lot for tips - they are great, thanks.

1. Does the Chapala Plus bus run through Ajijic or must I go to Chapala to get it?
2. In Chapala at the very end of the malecon there were several restaurants including one specializing in molcajete - what's the name and is it still there?
3. Is it still safe to walk in the village at night?

Thanks so much.

Michael A. Gilbert
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Few questions Empty Re: Few questions

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:06 pm

Welcome to the forum. In answer to your questions:

1) If you mean a direct bus to Guadalajara then yes you can catch one on the carratera in Ajijic.

2) It is called Casa de la Molcajete (or something along those lines).

3) Yes, but use the same precautions you would use almost anywhere after dark.
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Few questions Empty Re: Few questions

Post by Canada_Mike Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:20 pm

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