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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by Pescador Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:28 pm

I am thinking of buying one of these vacuum sealers for fish. Would appreciate some comments. Have you had good luck ( or bad ), with certain brands, and or models?



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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:33 pm

I had a Decosonic brand sealer up north. I used it almost exclusively for my smoked fish. It worked great. No complaints other than the roll of bag material is fairly expensive. About $40 but it does last quite a while. I believe Costco is selling this brand down here.
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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by Sunnyvmx Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:35 am

I have three. One that's 4 years old and I'm afraid is failing so I bought one at a garage sale at the same time a friend was bringing a new one down from the U.S. I use the bags for freezing, but I use the vacuum seal bowls for in the fridge. I eat lots of salad and so do my birds so vacuum sealing keeps the veggies crisp. It's great for fish, shrimp and leftovers. As you can see I don't want to be without it.
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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by Hensley Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:40 am

I love mine too and use it every time we go to Costco.
I even used it on shredded cheese, I just vacuum it 1/2 way so it doesn't squish the cheese.
I use it on lunch meat, chicken all kinds of stuff.

I never used the containers so I sold them all.

I get my bags off of Ebay.

If you wash and sanitize them you can use them over and over again. Until they are too small.
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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:43 am

Hensley wrote:If you wash and sanitize them you can use them over and over again. Until they are too small.

Great idea. I never thought of that.
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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

Post by Pescador Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:46 am

Thanks everybody, appreciate the info.


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Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it? Empty Re: Vacuum food sealers.... Are they worth it?

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