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Phone dialling - help!

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Phone dialling - help! Empty Phone dialling - help!

Post by Canada_Mike Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:10 am


I've been here for about 10 days. Thanks to this board I had no trouble getting a sim card for my old iPhone and all works perfectly. My issue is the labyrinthine mix of codes and prefixes for making various calls. What I have so far is below, and I'm sure it's wrong. I'm hoping one of the board honchos or honchas will sort it out. I also humbly suggest it might make a good sticky when it's done.

Here's what I have, and I know there are combinations I haven't included.  



For cell phone
From US, 011 521 + number
In Ajijic and area number
In Jalisco (045) + number
Non-Local (045) + number

From Land line
To land line number
To cell (045) + number

From cell phone
To land line 01 (376) + number
To cell number
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by DaveP Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:41 am

Canada_Mike wrote:Hola,

I've been here for about 10 days. Thanks to this board I had no trouble getting a sim card for my old iPhone and all works perfectly. My issue is the labyrinthine mix of codes and prefixes for making various calls. What I have so far is below, and I'm sure it's wrong. I'm hoping one of the board honchos or honchas will sort it out. I also humbly suggest it might make a good sticky when it's done.

Here's what I have, and I know there are combinations I haven't included.  



For cell phone
From US, 011 521 + number
In Ajijic and area number
In Jalisco (045) + number
Non-Local (045) + number

From Land line
To land line number
To cell (045) + number

From cell phone
To land line 01 (376) + number
To cell number

Try this link and then you have to work out which one to use
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by Canada_Mike Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:48 am

Thanks, Dave. It's a relief to know it's every bit as complicated as I thought!
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by hickton Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:55 am

theres is also a code 044 for calling inside mexico, but cant remenber if its from cell or fixed phone !! complicated system here..!!

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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by joyfull Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:06 pm

From land line to cell you dial 045 before the number.

Check out the website as some of the things you have are wrong. You are right, it is very confusing.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by Guest Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:09 pm

From a cell phone to a land line it is not necessary to use the 01 preface. Same for cell to cell.


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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by zenwoodle Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:29 pm

From a land line in Guad to a cell phone the prefix is 044.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by CHILLIN Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:01 pm

You should also know there is a wide variety of 'package' deals on phone use for a set monthly amount. Pay as you go is the most expensive minutes. Also, with Telmex at least, your prepay minutes disappear after (I think) 60 days.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by David Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:52 pm

Telmex is not the cell company, it's Telcel.  After 60 days your Pesos, not minutes, go to sleep.  Wake them up by buying more.  If you don't get more they will finally expire after 6 months.  After you've had your number for a year you can get 5 commonly called numbers for free and others at a much reduced rate.  Just ask at any Telcel office.  The one down the street from El Torito is very helpful.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by CheenaGringo Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:56 pm

Not if you import them through the iShip broker!

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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by DaveP Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:42 am

David wrote:Telmex is not the cell company, it's Telcel.  After 60 days your Pesos, not minutes, go to sleep.  Wake them up by buying more.  If you don't get more they will finally expire after 6 months.  After you've had your number for a year you can get 5 commonly called numbers for free and others at a much reduced rate.  Just ask at any Telcel office.  The one down the street from El Torito is very helpful.


Telmex also have a cel phone system the prefix is 044
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by David Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:56 am

Telmex does not have a cell system.  044 is the prefix to use when calling a cell phone from a landline that has the same area code you're calling from.  045 is for calling a cell from a landline in a different area code.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by DaveP Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:01 am

David wrote:Telmex does not have a cell system.  044 is the prefix to use when calling a cell phone from a landline that has the same area code you're calling from.  045 is for calling a cell from a landline in a different area code.

Telmex does indeed appear to have a cel phone system, see the link
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by zenwoodle Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:11 am

That link shows the packages for land line and internet.
The celular mentioned is free calls from your land line to a cell phone.  Beer Beer 
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by hickton Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:28 am

yes zenwoodle .you are right.. also i tried to upgrade from the basic paquette to 5megas to be told, no problem but after six weeks and many phone calls to telmex , they now say there is not enough capacity for where i live.. they were quick taking the money tho..

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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by CHILLIN Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:56 am

Don't forget that with iPhone you can get free phone through Wi Fi. Your telmex modem has dual Wi Fi and ethernet connections. Magic Jack also works well in Mexico - it is often cheaper, and more reliable, to use Magic Jack to call numbers in Mexico.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by Canada_Mike Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:05 am

Thanks, all. I've actually been using Skype a lot. I got a phone number from them so my computer can be called. If someone calls it, it's logged a a US call. Also, I call via wifi for less than a penny a minute. I like having everything in one program.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by borderreiver Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:39 pm

The folks @ the Telcel office west of Toritos/same side are great. They have photocopies of cell dialing instructions available. They signed me up for that 5 fav #'s thing right away. NB - for that U may have to leave Ur phone with them for a day, Telcels slowness, etc., not theirs. They are the only Telcel people I'll deal with. They're at the back of the place with expensive meat sandwiches.
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Phone dialling - help! Empty Re: Phone dialling - help!

Post by CheenaGringo Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:58 pm


Good luck with the Skype thing.  Ever since Microsoft purchased the company, there has been more than just a few computers screwed up with their software updates/'upgrades.  Please keep in mind that Yahoo was a standard for years and how many issues have come to the surface lately?  Here is the latest:

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