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New crime reporting policy on TOB...

espíritu del lago
Lady Otter Latté
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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by Mainecoons Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:27 pm

TTT wrote:I don't understand why it matters that there is another forum. If your forum is better, people will come here for discussion. We are former business owners and know that the way to beat your competition is to provide the best service to your customers. BTW, who is your customer? The posters? The advertisers?

Maybe TOB is trying to control the trolls that inevitably gather at these forums and insert their nasty selves into every discussion until everyone leaves in disgust. I can understand that if your objective is to sell real estate you don't want posters who will argue with or insult your customers.  

TOB never states that their objective is to do something other than sell real estate. It is pretty obvious that theirs' is an informational forum. A newcomer's guide to Lake Chapala.

If this forum is for information and discussion among locals, why does it matter if TOB does something different - unless you are in a battle for advertisers?

EXACTLY. These two boards are very complementary to each other now. We're lucky to have both.

Very well put, thank you. And your third sentence is the spirit in which I offered my suggestion to C-Bob about the for sale section. Before TOB stopped these postings, they really generated a lot of traffic. I don't see that here yet and simply passed along several observations that might boost traffic.

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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:37 pm

It does not matter at all, TTT. For most it is just good-natured teasing. TOB more tightly controls content for the reasons you point out. It is an adjunct to a real estate business and it is important to the owner that it present Lakeside in a positive light. They do not want potential home buyers reading cranky, arguing, insulting people and seeing crime reporting--especially murder. You know, the reality they will face once they live here (or anywhere). Some people can not help teasing about that.
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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by TTT Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:50 pm

We had a motto when we owned our business, "the customer is always right, but not everyone is our customer." Those who were not the kind of customer we wanted in our business (who wanted something for nothing, or who caused a lot of work and trouble for our employees) were welcome to go to our competitors. Frankly, I see value in both forums and want both to succeed.

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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by Playaboy Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:19 am

viajero wrote:
Playaboy wrote:

I find that most of your posts lack substance on this board, TOB and Mexconnect.  You are very good a criticizing other people post.
When you recently stated on Mexconnect that Mexico was on the verge of revolution and suggested that the Mexican people should be allowed easier access to firearms,I did indeed criticize your posts,is that what you're referring to? Rolling Eyes 

Check your PM's

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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by sundown Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:28 am

It is TOB's decision to not allow crime reports. I was kicked off for a posting stating that there was problems in Michoacan that my wife's family was relaying. "So be their decision & action"

I am happy that TOB  does not permit the insults that this board permits.  There is a group that attacks any post by me, even when I am giving factual helpful info.
An example is the posting when I stated that IMSS & INM was refusing fotos from the Shop in Chapala "located by the cow".
The following posts will prove or disprove my point.

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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by Jim W Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:48 am

Shit stirring?  New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 477249
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New crime reporting policy on TOB... - Page 3 Empty Re: New crime reporting policy on TOB...

Post by Nosnow Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:01 am

I'm very thankful for both of these boards. Call me naive but don't understand the hostility,
we're all retired Gringo's who see these boards as a godsend for information. Rarely have I asked a question without someone responding with exactly the answer I needed…on both boards.

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