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Drive around the Lake

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Drive around the Lake Empty Drive around the Lake

Post by Fig Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:32 pm

Anybody done this lately?   We thought we'd do this tomorrow.   How many hours, excluding stops.  We'll start at the Jocotepec end and come back through Ocatlan. thanks.

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Drive around the Lake Empty Re: Drive around the Lake

Post by Gamina Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:39 pm

Plan on 8 hours if you want to stop for lunch, see the pelicans at Petetan, the museo in La Barca, etc.
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Drive around the Lake Empty Re: Drive around the Lake

Post by thomashellyer Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:33 pm

Hola! We just did it a couple of weeks ago. 8 hours is a good estimate that won't have your rushing around or feel like you're driving all the time. We did encounter a couple of Federale road blocks in the Michoacan portion of the drive and were very happy to have all of our vehicle documents in order...

It is a very pretty drive and we look forward to doing it again...

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Drive around the Lake Empty drive around the lake

Post by twelveoaks Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:56 pm

Fig wrote:Anybody done this lately?   We thought we'd do this tomorrow.   How many hours, excluding stops.  We'll start at the Jocotepec end and come back through Ocatlan.  thanks.

We did this drive a year ago and were stopped by Michohuacan police for no other reason than we had California plates They allowed all Mexican plated cars to pass . After an obvious shake down attempt they let us go but we were delayed for about 1/2 hour. Make sure you have all current car papers and proof of current visa as they will try to tell you your tip is expired and the car is illegal. Also, they demanded proof of address.

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Drive around the Lake Empty Re: Drive around the Lake

Post by borderreiver Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:17 am

I'd take the "tour" again, the one offered by the travel agency (Colon and the carreterra). Sweet, knowledgeable, lady guide. Decent price, no fuss, no muss, no michoacan fuzz hasstles. La Barca plaza is great. The sweet shop on the corner has one of a kind local sweets. It's awesome. Buy lots otherwise U'll regret it. Sahuayo is the huarachi (sic) Mexican sandal capital of the world. Just go to the plaza. All kinds, low to high end. Great little sandal key fobs for souveneers (10p). They make lots of great hats there. BARGAIN. Nice little, fairly prosperous Mex. city (pop. 50000). Friendly people. Met a MexAmerican out of New York visiting rels in Chapala. She goes here to SHOP, buys all her kid's shoes and clothes there. NB, parking close to "the plaza" could be tight. But please BARGAIN. They don't see many gringos, get it.
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Drive around the Lake Empty Re: Drive around the Lake

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:25 am

borderreiver wrote:I'd take the "tour" again, the one offered by the travel agency (Colon and the carreterra). Sweet, knowledgeable, lady guide. Decent price, no fuss, no muss, no michoacan fuzz hasstles. La Barca plaza is great. The sweet shop on the corner has one of a kind local sweets. It's awesome. Buy lots otherwise U'll regret it. Sahuayo is the huarachi (sic) Mexican sandal capital of the world. Just go to the plaza. All kinds, low to high end. Great little sandal key fobs for souveneers (10p). They make lots of great hats there. BARGAIN. Nice little, fairly prosperous Mex. city (pop. 50000). Friendly people. Met a MexAmerican out of New York visiting rels in Chapala. She goes here to SHOP, buys all her kid's shoes and clothes there. NB, parking close to "the plaza" could be tight. But please BARGAIN. They don't see many gringos, get it.

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