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barriers in la floresta

Lady Otter Latté
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Pedro Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:32 pm

Mainecoons wrote:Amigo, we are getting stiffed by Chapala big time these days.  Hell, they probably know about this and have been suitably greased to look the other way.

I thought things couldn't be worse than with Degollado.  I was wrong.

as a non citizen are you comfortable in continuing in this vein of constantly accusing governments and politicians of wrongdoing and worse?

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Ms.Thang Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:57 pm

Oh come on Pedro..." Gabacho Gets Deported For Talking Smack About Mexican Politician" is not likely to be a headline we will be seeing anytime soon, especially here in Hooterville.

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Pedro Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:19 pm

Ms.Thang wrote:Oh come on Pedro..." Gabacho Gets Deported For Talking Smack About Mexican Politician" is not likely to be a headline we will be seeing anytime soon, especially here in Hooterville.
you're right,you won't see it.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by martygraw Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:22 pm

Pedro wrote:
Ms.Thang wrote:Oh come on Pedro..." Gabacho Gets Deported For Talking Smack About Mexican Politician" is not likely to be a headline we will be seeing anytime soon, especially here in Hooterville.
you're right,you won't see it.

More's the pity
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:52 am


MC, going in guns-a'blazin just doesn't work in this country or culture. Just sit tight! The flimsy barriers will be blown to smithereens early one morning by a high speed coke truck, a lumbering water truck, or a gas truck in a hurry - or maybe by Juan Manuel in his pickup. Not to worry. It's all about show.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:37 am

flag waver 
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Guest Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:18 am

Trailrunner wrote:I spoke to the man manning the east-end gate this morning as he lifted it to let me pass.  He said it would be open in the daytime and closed at night.  I asked if it was a public or private road and he said public.

In fracs. the roads are public access while in condos they are private. Condos are one lot subdivided into smaller lots. They can only have on entrance which is essentially their driveway. From what you were told, La Floresta is a frac. and not a condo. I do not think that without a permit from the municipality that even a gate is legal.


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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by CHILLIN Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:25 pm

I would think that all that is necessary is to remind the property owners association that they would be held legally liable for any accident or injury from their illegal obstructions on public property. Big payday for the right lawyer.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Seventyseven Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:20 pm

If somene is denied entry, i assume the guard calls the patrol. Then the patrol tries to find the person who is either walking, or in a car. Maybe they can arrest some people. Maybe they can stop some crimes. I have no idea how it works. The office would know. How can an expat take Mexican local government to court? I am not sure what Maincoones is thinking, maybe he knows something I don't.

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Guest Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:28 pm

The guard takes the license number of the car or asks for identification which is iffy at best.  If he is suspicious of the person, he can call the police to come.  But the guard has no authority to deny entry.  In our fracc., the guard retains the driver's license and the driver picks it up on the way out.  Probably not legal but nobody knows that or doesn't want to get into an argument over such a small issue.


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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:01 pm

Why do you think there will be a guard manning these gates all night long?
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Guest Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:34 pm

Trailrunner wrote:Why do you think there will be a guard manning these gates all night long?

So people could come and go, I suspect.  If the gate was down and, perhaps, locked you would be limiting access to a public road.  That is a no-no without proper permission.


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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:37 pm

And, I guess the bad guys pinky swear they will not enter La Floresta on foot nor on any of the roads running between the carreterra and Camino Real? Or will there be gates and guards on all of them too? Maybe the Floresta Fairy Godmother will sprinkle magic safety dust all over the other roads?
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:45 pm

I think the gates will be down and there won't be anyone tending them. I think if you want to a access LF at night (whatever that is defined as) you'll have to use one of the other entrance/exits. I think they're trying to make the easy lower LF getaway into Ajijic and SAT less easy. Just a guess.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Mainecoons Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:50 pm

Osoprehistorico wrote:
Trailrunner wrote:Why do you think there will be a guard manning these gates all night long?

So people could come and go, I suspect.  If the gate was down and, perhaps, locked you would be limiting access to a public road.  That is a no-no without proper permission.

Those gates are designed to be locked down and now they have "No pase" signs on them.

Draw your own conclusions.  I am also very skeptical there will be anyone there at night to open them.  They have closed off apparently permanently the road closest to the lake leading from the side of the Real de Chapala to the bottom of Revolucion by the treatment plant. That's their right, it is their road, they build it.

Camino Real is not their road. Period.

Last edited by Mainecoons on Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:54 pm

And exactly how many high speed chases down Camino Real through La Floresta have there been? Oh, never mind. As long as those gates make everyone feel safe and secure, that is all that matters. It does not matter if they are no safer than they were before. I learned that from the TSA.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by itsme Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:27 pm

Just out of curiosity, how many of you use that road between the hours of midnight and 6 AM? Just a small poll, or even between 10 PM and 6 AM? Not too many, I am sure, so why all the excitement if it is no skin off your nose? Just wondering, that's all. scratch

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:39 pm

I read "discussion" while you read "excitement."
And, what a wonderful world it would be if everyone only cared about what was "skin off their nose" and the hell with legal and illegal, right and wrong, true safety as opposed to blowing smoke up people´s, uh, well, you know. I hope that does not sound too excited for you, because, really I am not excited at all.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Seventyseven Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:15 pm

I commend them for making an effort. When workers come in, they can find out where they work. It will help things there.

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:53 pm

See, it´s working already!
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by hickton Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:22 am

is there a office of administration for floresta? a visit will be well worh while. i for one use the road before 6 am frequently. i will not be held to ransome by illegal methods. i still dont understand how blocking our public road can stop incidents when other entrances and exits are open..

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Mainecoons Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:35 am

itsme wrote:Just out of curiosity, how many of you use that road between the hours of midnight and 6 AM? Just a small poll, or even between 10 PM and 6 AM? Not too many, I am sure, so why all the excitement if it is no skin off your nose? Just wondering, that's all. scratch

Guessing at what is behind your question, what makes you think that once someone gets away with hijacking a public road that has been there for God knows how long that it will stop there and just during those hours?

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Guest Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:05 am

When something bad happens there are the cries of, "do something!" Since nobody really knows what to do, the powers that be do something visible even if ineffective. I would guess that with time the gate(s) will be locked in the up position. Equally ineffective but PC would be to erect a plaque honoring the victims but leave room for more names.


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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Seventyseven Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:29 am

It could make it more difficult for criminals to escape. Why dosn't someone go to the office? Instead for speculating, you may get an answer. Whether it is legal or not, I dont think there is anything you can do to stop it. Some security is better than zero security.

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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by Gamina Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:29 pm

Seventyseven wrote: Some security is better than zero security.

Not if the security is false, as this is, and people let their guard down thinking that barriers will keep the bad guys out.  The barriers were open around 9:30 am when I went by this morning.  As if robberies, rapes and murders don't happen during the day.
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barriers in la floresta - Page 3 Empty Re: barriers in la floresta

Post by hickton Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:37 pm

Seventyseven wrote:It could make it more difficult for criminals to escape. Why dosn't someone go to the office? Instead for speculating, you may get an answer. Whether it is legal or not, I dont think there is anything you can do to stop it. Some security is better than zero security.

hi asked earlier if there is an office or adminstrator. but no response so far.

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