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Food, art and Passion

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Food, art and Passion Empty Food, art and Passion

Post by sambrit10 Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:30 pm

For those of you who may have missed the event announcement in the Guadalajara Reporter, I wanted to spread the word about the Mexican Fiesta and Art Auction coming up to support the Ajijic Easter Passion Play.

The Passion Play is deservedly a source of great pride for the Ajijic community and the volunteers who produce it and act in it put their heart and soul into it. But as with everything, they need funds. The Mexican Fiesta is a great way to have some fun while helping them out. There will be music, a Mexican meal, and (based on my experience last year), by far the BEST art auction of the year!

It happens at Nueva Posada so it's a lovely venue, too.

It's March 7 and costs 200 pesos. Further details are in this Guad Reporter article:

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