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gas bbq grill

Carry Bean
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gas bbq grill Empty gas bbq grill

Post by gringoman Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:54 am

Any suggestions on where to get a gas grill Lakeside or Guad?

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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by Carry Bean Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:42 am

Expensive but there's a gas grill place at Strom White. I saw a really fancy one at Bazar Barbara. I mean a REALLY fancy one.

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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by Mainecoons Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:12 pm

I think they have them at CostCo in Guad too. Expect to pay a lot more here than in the states.
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:33 pm

That's why I'll be bringing mine down......
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:36 pm

Which brings me to another thought. Char Broil and I'm sure a few others are made in the USA. With free trade (thus no duties) there is no real reason for them to be much more expensive than Canada. Either way they have to be transported. Perhaps there is opportunity for someone to open up a BBQ shop around the lake......
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by David Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:55 pm

Doug White has the Grill and Fireplace shop. The main brand is Napoleon from Canada. However, so many of the parts are made in China that the duty is high.
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by simpsca Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:42 pm

If you own your own home there is another wa to have a gas BBQ grill. I've seen them in some pretty fancy houses and they would not be expensive to build. Build a rectangular box with a shelf in the middle. Have it plumbed for gas. You can buy the burners in Guad. but your plumber will probably know where to get them. Have the herreria make you a grill for the top to cook the food on. I have a second hand big gas grill I bought and when it gives out I'll build the brick one and maybe even tile it. You can also build shelves out of brick above the grill.

Here is a link to one I've seen:
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by peteben Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:38 pm

I was at Costco today and did not see any gas grills. Only one model, for charcoal. Wall-Mart last week had two models of Mexican-made gas grills, one for $2450 and the other for $3450, IIRC. They were both still in the box so I did not get a good look at them.


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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by ferret Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:47 pm

This link is from TOB...
In it you will find two phone numbers for Carlos Ramirez whose wife manages the Weber (BBQ) store.

When we were looking for a gas BBQ six years ago, I had to travel from PV to Guad to find the Liverpool store.
Paid twice as much as I would have in Canada...there are now four places here to buy them...including Tio Sams and Rattan de Guadalajara.
The BBQ is now looking a little rough but still works like a charm and we do have it plumbed directly to our main gas tank.
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by Mainecoons Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:35 am

simpsca wrote:If you own your own home there is another wa to have a gas BBQ grill. I've seen them in some pretty fancy houses and they would not be expensive to build. Build a rectangular box with a shelf in the middle. Have it plumbed for gas. You can buy the burners in Guad. but your plumber will probably know where to get them. Have the herreria make you a grill for the top to cook the food on. I have a second hand big gas grill I bought and when it gives out I'll build the brick one and maybe even tile it. You can also build shelves out of brick above the grill.

Here is a link to one I've seen:

We did something similar to this. We replaced a old, charcoal built in unit with a unit made for us by a kitchen supplier in GDL, on Ninos Heroes. It works pretty good if a bit funky to light. It has six burners in pairs of two (3 controllers) and a high lid that permits roasting of turkeys. It is all stainless steel. Cost about $700 U.S. at the time and I did the installing of it.
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gas bbq grill Empty gas bbq grill

Post by gringoman Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:12 am

Thanks for all the feedback. Since we are only here until November-unless our plans change, and we hope they do-sounds like we should look at a regular charcoal grill. Has anyone tried the handmade (?) ones like we see at some of the hardware stores-- small half barrel type?

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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:14 am

I have used those. They work fine although I can't remember if it had a height adjustment for the grill.
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by johninajijic Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:43 am

I was at Home Depot yesterday. They had only three BBQ'S displayed because the season isn't here yet. They were waaaay overpriced!
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gas bbq grill Empty Re: gas bbq grill

Post by simpsca Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:47 am

gringoman wrote:Thanks for all the feedback. Since we are only here until November-unless our plans change, and we hope they do-sounds like we should look at a regular charcoal grill. Has anyone tried the handmade (?) ones like we see at some of the hardware stores-- small half barrel type?

I also used the half barrel type and it was fine. They are cheap and some have height adjustments - they cost a little more.
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