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marsite or diamond brite for pools

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marsite or diamond brite for pools  Empty marsite or diamond brite for pools

Post by gravy Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:53 am

a friend is building a pool here ...... in Florida , we rarely used "tiled pools" because it's impossible to seal the grout sufficiently to keep water and chemicals from popping the "penny tiles " from popping off ...... compound curves present a problem with tiny cuts on already tiny tiles
is there anyone local that does Marsite or Diamond Brite here ? .......... we're doing a "kidney pool"
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marsite or diamond brite for pools  Empty Re: marsite or diamond brite for pools

Post by Mainecoons Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:39 am

That's a really good question. I've often wondered why they tile pools here rather than plaster them, with tile only at the water line, usually 8"x8" or similar size.

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marsite or diamond brite for pools  Empty Re: marsite or diamond brite for pools

Post by CanuckBob Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:44 am

Yes, I would like to deep six my tiles and go for a plain concrete type finish. I'll be interested to hear some options.
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marsite or diamond brite for pools  Empty Re: marsite or diamond brite for pools

Post by CHILLIN Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:58 am

You can't get the right sand. The very best is white marble sand. Ask the pool contractor by Handymail - Jurgen is his name.
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marsite or diamond brite for pools  Empty Re: marsite or diamond brite for pools

Post by CHILLIN Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:50 pm

I apologize - here is at least one supplier of sharp, white silica sand in Guadalajara. You just have to pay for it and get it here. The new delivery driver for Lakeside Express speaks English, seems trustworthy, and has a medium size 'stake' truck.

Your masons will need white cement, local, no problem. Over the past few years there have been some new products/additives which make concrete truly waterproof. There are special trowels for pools but I don't think they are an absolute necessity

If you are placing an order, let me know, I will order four bags and offset the shipping costs.

Having a lucky internet day! Here is the K.I.M. waterproofing which I know works very well. There is/was a distributor in Monterrey according to their "where to buy". Could ship by Red Pack within Mexico.
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