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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

El Bajio
espíritu del lago
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:08 pm

It was down to one way traffic today for several hundred feet and the men were painting stripes on the road and looked like they were cutting metal strips. Anybody know with any certainty? Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:27 pm

post this on chapala dot yawn dipshit.


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:33 pm

Thanks, asswipe. Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:43 pm

muchos gracias krazy george-SNORK!


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Abuelo Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:03 pm

pedro wrote:post this on chapala dot yawn dipshit.

This is the sort of crap that will be the downfall of this website. Maybe it should be changed to "The Good Old Boys Network". Why would anyone want to ask questions here if this is the sort of response you can expect? It seems that some people still haven't gotten over the fact that they were kicked off the other website. Get over it!

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:06 pm

pedro wrote:muchos gracias krazy george-SNORK!

OK, you win. I quit. Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:14 pm

in the over all scheme of things,granpa, is this of great import? fer fekks sake-it's temp and will be done shortly.
i think bob and some of the rest of us aren't interested in mundane tripe.
the prodigous[sic] poster zoey,has already posted whas hapnin-so what more is there ta say-pppphhhttt!


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:25 pm

Abuelo wrote:
pedro wrote:post this on chapala dot yawn dipshit.

This is the sort of crap that will be the downfall of this website. Maybe it should be changed to "The Good Old Boys Network". Why would anyone want to ask questions here if this is the sort of response you can expect? It seems that some people still haven't gotten over the fact that they were kicked off the other website. Get over it!

I agree, and I would like to know!
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by gringal Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:32 pm

Excuuuse me, but the name of this board is ...."informational" board. So, just because we have a couple of people who don't have much use for each other doesn't mean the question isn't legitimate. I was stuck in a grand traffic jam on account of it and yes, I'd like to know what's going on there, too.

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:41 pm

ya got home dint ya gringal,so whats ta know?


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by gringal Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:57 pm

Not in that direction, smarty. Had to go over a curb to get up on the upper Ajiijic road, zip around until we found Colon and the stoplight...and then home. No biggie, just plain curious.

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:01 pm

Abuelo wrote:
pedro wrote:post this on chapala dot yawn dipshit.

This is the sort of crap that will be the downfall of this website. Maybe it should be changed to "The Good Old Boys Network". Why would anyone want to ask questions here if this is the sort of response you can expect? It seems that some people still haven't gotten over the fact that they were kicked off the other website. Get over it!

I agree with you 100%. I post a question, then get a response like that and then post my retort and we go nowhere. You are a breath of fresh air. Thanks. Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:09 pm

pedro wrote:in the over all scheme of things,granpa, is this of great import? fer fekks sake-it's temp and will be done shortly.
i think bob and some of the rest of us aren't interested in mundane tripe.
the prodigous[sic] poster zoey,has already posted whas hapnin-so what more is there ta say-pppphhhttt!

I have no idea what you are saying. Perhaps, you will write in English in the future although you clearly need a dictionary and thesaurus. My guess is that you have never heard of either one. Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by oncesubtle Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:18 pm

pedro wrote:in the over all scheme of things,granpa, is this of great import? fer fekks sake-it's temp and will be done shortly.
i think bob and some of the rest of us aren't interested in mundane tripe.
the prodigous[sic] poster zoey,has already posted whas hapnin-so what more is there ta say-pppphhhttt!

I hope you are not speaking for this Bob, thank you. 8)

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:20 pm

i have a few dictionaries[oxford, webster, canadian,etc] and one thesaurus.
i have invented my own language[pedrospeak]which one can only do when one is fluent in at least one other language.
if you are trying to take me on-i must tell you that you are not on the same plain.-SNORK!


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by El Bajio Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:38 pm

They put down rows of reflector stripes. They are pretty irritating but at least they aren't topes! I am guessing it is for the school.
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:48 pm

pedro wrote:i have a few dictionaries[oxford, webster, canadian,etc] and one thesaurus.
i have invented my own language[pedrospeak]which one can only do when one is fluent in at least one other language.
if you are trying to take me on-i must tell you that you are not on the same plain.-SNORK!

You have absolutely no ability to communicate in the English language. Take your pills or your drugs or whatever the hell you are doing and stop abusing this website. SNORK. Whatever the hell that means. Zoey


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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by Abuelo Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:22 pm

pedro wrote:in the over all scheme of things,granpa, is this of great import? fer fekks sake-it's temp and will be done shortly.
i think bob and some of the rest of us aren't interested in mundane tripe.

Some of the people that live here are interested in this sort of thing. It might not be of great import but it affects our daily lives. So far it looks like one of the only threads you started is about biker bars in Guad. How many people on here really care about that? It looks like your only reason for being on here is to denigrate others. If the topic doesn't interest you don't reply.

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by David Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:48 pm

Zoey wrote:
pedro wrote:i have a few dictionaries[oxford, webster, canadian,etc] and one thesaurus.
i have invented my own language[pedrospeak]which one can only do when one is fluent in at least one other language.
if you are trying to take me on-i must tell you that you are not on the same plain.-SNORK!

You have absolutely no ability to communicate in the English language. Take your pills or your drugs or whatever the hell you are doing and stop abusing this website. SNORK. Whatever the hell that means. Zoey

So far, you're the only abuser of this website. Never pass up an opportunity to shut up. You don't need to respond to EVERY single post here, unless of course this is YOUR board. If it is, I'm out of here.
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:35 am

Zoey wrote:It was down to one way traffic today for several hundred feet and the men were painting stripes on the road and looked like they were cutting metal strips. Anybody know with any certainty? Zoey

The original question seemed valid. Don't know why this one went south?

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by espíritu del lago Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:54 am

by pedro Yesterday at 5:27 pm

post this on chapala dot yawn dipshit.

because of this reply and this too

by Zoey Yesterday at 5:33 pm

Thanks, asswipe. Zoey

thats why
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by David Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:02 am

This Topic is "Casual Chatter About Anything" but I think "anything" does not include sniping at other posters.
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:13 am

Nope, guess we need to start punting those that don't follow the very few rules that we do have.

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by gringal Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:40 am

CanuckBob wrote:Nope, guess we need to start punting those that don't follow the very few rules that we do have.


Hmmm. The trouble with people getting downright nasty is that it grows. A simple, possibly dumb, question can turn into a food fight. Who needs it? Granted, "nice" doesn't create the same level of excitement that verbal hostility does. Maybe it's just that some of the snarkiest folks lack wordsmithing skills. Or brains. Or both.

Maybe all hostility should be shunted off to the Octogon. IMO, posts, but not people, should be subject to deletion. Some of the more interesting posters just naturally drift over the line on occasion. It's their nature. pirat

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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

Post by juanrey Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:46 am

Bob can I suggest when you see something heading south you just put it into the "free for all" room. It can be distracting, but if it's in there one can choose to read it or not.
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Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova? Empty Re: Anybody know what is happening to the carretera outside of Villa Nova?

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