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Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution

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Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution Empty Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution

Post by Gaetano2 Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:15 pm

Today I ordered Gas from Los Altos.

I read an earlier post where it stated these guys were honest and on time.
Javier’s son answered and said they were on their way.
However when they arrived and I being In a new apartment, I showed the “filler” onto the roof where the tank was and he connected the hose.
By the time I went down to the truck the “driver” was standing at the back of the truck in front of the meter already filling my tank.
When he finished I gave him my 400 pesos I had ordered and he gave me the receipt for 395.45 pesos/ 55 liters at 7.19 pesos a liter. Ok
I went to the roof and checked the 180 L tank (which was almost empty when they arrived) and which was reading now 13% or by my calculations 32.4 liters or
22.6 liters and 162.50 pesos short of what I had ordered.
I called the toll free number on the receipt and the representative gave me another number to call which was not local.
Anyhow when I called that number that representative said they would send them back to fill what they owed me and could give me no reasonable explanation of why I was shorted other than sometimes "the gas goes back into the hose". The hose holds up to thirty liters and if it is empty or "emptied" before they arrive ( a common practice) you end up paying them to fill their hose.
They came back and now filled the tank to 29%. So now I was only around 2.8 liters or 20 pesos short.

I gave up.

Moral of the story. Don't trust anyone or anything you read. Watch them when you can and make your calculations.


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Join date : 2013-02-26

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Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution Empty Re: Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution

Post by bman2 Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:51 pm

I use Gas Butep, they speak English and have been reliable so far, Jose Ramirez 0453310239609. I stand by the truck while the fill-up is happening and get a printed receipt from a machine in the truck. I know Canuck Bob has a good guy as well, maybe ask him too.

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Join date : 2013-02-21

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Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution Empty Re: Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution

Post by CanuckBob Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:09 pm

I use Sonic Gas. The guy will occasionally (but not always...jaja) give you a 10% discount if you order more than 250 liters at a time.
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Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution Empty Re: Gas Delivery Lakeside Caution

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:36 am

To be fair lp gauges vary in accuracy so unless you weigh the tank and subtract the weight of the tank which is on the tank and device by the weight of a liter of gas you really dont know much accuracy wise. I would bet the gauges vary by 5 to 10%. Not arguing just saying one should think about this.

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