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Must see video - honest

Lady Otter Latté
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by viajero Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:38 pm

espíritu del lago wrote: your nieve. .
Y tu nieve,de que sabor la quieres?

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Flamingo Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:32 pm

Watch the whole video. Then try to watch the series. The goal of the program is to help people understand the reality of global climate change. I think we can agree that the term "global warming" was unfortunate and has made it easier for big energy to restructure reality in their favor.

Bottom line is, global climate change is real, it is dangerous, and we may not be too late to do something about it.
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Mainecoons Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:37 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:When trying to understand something complex with life-and-death implications for the entire planet, there is nothing like the opinions on a web board for scientific accuracy.  

Yes, especially when those opinions quickly degenerate to the usual personal sniping that some here seem to believe is the same as a reasoned rebuttal based on fact.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Pedro Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:40 pm

in the mean time i would rather fix the beezer and then i can contribute some fumes instead of just my usual methane. speaking of which-when are we gonna wipe out those killer cows once and for all.
and yer just full of and brimming with fax-er facts aintcha coon-SNORK!
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by CHILLIN Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:11 pm

Flamingo wrote:I think we can agree that the term "global warming" was unfortunate

Yes it was unfortunate, global weather disruption would be better. The weather, the world over, has become violent and unpredictable. I think everyone can relate to that and has an example at hand.
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by sparks Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:08 pm

So Sundown and Pedro are on the same page when it comes to man made climate conditions. What a pair !!!!
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Pedro Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:41 pm

sparks wrote:So Sundown and Pedro are on the same page when it comes to man made climate conditions.    What a pair !!!!
you have a very strange way of thinking if you think that sundown and pedro the magnificent even come close to having the same thought processes. it's amazing to me how many of you old farts[m&f] get excited about this sort of thing in spite of the "scientists" constantly changing their-er- "findings" as the wind blows-SNORK!
now all this crap is macro. if ya wanna study micro-review the bull shite that buddies del lago along with their expert scientists and media spin doctoring goofballs done said around 2000 as ta how el lago would totally disappear and become a toxic dustbowl,wreaking havoc upon the nation. have fun-SNORK!
just fixed the nut on my guitar while i await the moto parts, that hopefully will arrive before earth resembles mars.
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Mainecoons Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:00 am

Pedro wrote:in the mean time i would rather fix the beezer and then i can contribute some fumes instead of just my usual methane. speaking of which-when are we gonna wipe out those killer cows once and for all.
and yer just full of and brimming with fax-er facts aintcha coon-SNORK!

Megadittos to that!

Yes, definitely fix the beezer.  Rides on the south side of the lake are better than ever plus there's the two roads to Tapapa!
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by jrm30655 Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:27 am

gringal wrote:"The fact that there are still a bunch of idiots around doesn't make man made global warming true."

And your advanced degree is in what field??? Rolling Eyes 

Electrical Engineering and history.

From the first I know that a computer will give you any answer that you want if programmed with garbage data. From the second, I know that the earth has been much warmer than today and we seemed to have survived (Look around, if there are people, we survived)

Go look at paintings from around 1000-1200AD. Look at the flowers that are in them that no longer grow in those areas because it is too cold now. Go read about Greenland and when the Vikings raised cattle and sheep there and also grapes. It had to be at least 2 degrees C warmer to do that.

Climate change happens all the time, we have had at least 3 ice ages where most of the earth was covered in ice. If it hadn't warmed naturally, we would be covered in ice today. Since there were no cars or oil being used, explain how man did that!!!

We better hope that the earth continues to warm or at least hold this temperature. If we get another mini ice age like the 1300s, 30% of the people on earth will starve.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by jrm30655 Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:01 am

During the lowest point of the Maunder Minimum, the people living in the Alps were desperate. Every year the winter glaciers were coming farther down the mountains and retreating less in summer. The passes were being cut off and the summer pastures were ice covered. Since they depended on sheep. they were about to starve.

They went to the Pope and begged him to appeal to God to stop the glaciers. The Pope sent 5 priests who stood in front of the glaciers and prayed for relief for a week. Miraculously, the next year, the glaciers began to retreat and continued to retreat for the next 400 years.

Over the past couple of decades, the glaciers have retreated more in the summer and old silver mines have been discovered. The people mined silver in the summer and in the fall, tossed the tools into the tunnel and waited on spring to continue.

Since the mines are there, it had to be warmer then than now.

Instead of Al Gore, I vote going to the Pope and renting a few priests. They were effective 500 years ago.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by gringal Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:06 am

Better yet, since we're in Mexico, lets go get a Bruja.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by sparks Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:38 am

The naysayers seem to like to ignore the effect of humans on the planet ..... when in fact we are by far the largest variable in the equation. Is this a religious thing?

Brain dead old farts can poo-poo the whole thing 'cause they won't be here in a few years. Think about the real young ones ..... if there even is a chance for them
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:50 am

When it comes to EXTREMELY complex issues such as global climate change, why can't we simply admit that as the average person, we haven't a clue WTF we are talking about? It really enhances the conversation and intelligence level when a forum member use terms such as "Megadittos" in a post. Could it just be "verbal water boarding" from a certain radio personality that has caused this poster to believe that he is cool when using the term?

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by jrm30655 Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:32 am

I think there has to be some kind of constant panic to keep people distracted and paying taxes.

I was just reading about the drought in CA. In the article was this "the worst drought in 500 years". If there was a worse drought 500 years ago, how can it be global warming as some are claiming?

Around 1200-1300AD, there was a western US drought so bad and so long that the Indians left and went south to MX to survive. The "Dust Bowl" and the current drought are minor in comparison but it may get much worse before it gets better.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:48 am

The world population in 1200 A.D. is estimated to have been around 400 million people. In 2013, the population was about 7.2 billion. That number will increase another billion by 2025 and to 9.6 billion by 2050.
It is foolish to compare how humans fared then with what will happen now.
Also, there is a difference between an occasional drought in different areas of the world and the temperature rising on the entire planet.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by viajero Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:58 am

CheenaGringo wrote:[b]When it comes to EXTREMELY complex issues such as global climate change, why can't we simply admit that as the average person, we haven't a clue WTF we are talking about.
Like this?
"There are known knowns and there are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns."Donald Rumsfeld.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Pedro Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:14 am

and then there are gnomes
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:37 am

And, no one knew more about unknown unknowns than the old Rummy himself.
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Smartalex Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:08 pm

viajero wrote:
CheenaGringo wrote:[b]When it comes to EXTREMELY complex issues such as global climate change, why can't we simply admit that as the average person, we haven't a clue WTF we are talking about.
Like this?
"There are known knowns and there are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns."Donald Rumsfeld.

Or this?
"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." --Bob Dylan
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:33 pm

Fluctuations in global temperature are not new. What role human activity plays in that is not settled. In any event, cleaning up our act is a good idea in spite of what other countries do or don't do.


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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:34 pm

Shit stirring Basketball 
Carry on and keep your kool..
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by CanuckBob Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:42 pm

Everyone should be more worried about a giant solar flair. When the big one hits (and it will) most of the electrical grid on the planet will be destroyed. This includes all the satellites too. Then you will see some anarchy. They say it will take many years to get power restored. It will knock mankind right back to the 18th century.........
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:54 pm

Must see video - honest - Page 2 <a href=Must see video - honest - Page 2 Tin-fo10" />

A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing!

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by gringal Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:04 pm

Would the people who have commented on this issue and who also actually watched the video originally suggested please shout "aye".

Quiet in here, isn't it?....oh yes, I hear a little noise over on the left.

Shifting a little to a figure offered by Lady O.L. about 9.6 BILLION people on the planet by 2050, I'd say our biggest obvious problem, regardless of climate change, is going to be FEEDING that kind of population.

Meanwhile, researchers, medical folks, anti-birth control folks and all the rest of those advocating life extension for the ancients or more creation of more infants seem to get their undies in a twist when the subject of there being too many people already comes up. In fact, it's such a touchy subject that you can't talk about it without starting a kerfuffle.

What I think we need to worry about beyond the planet warming or cooling or whatever, is mass civil unrest due to an insufficient food supply.  There won't be enough "cake" to let 'em eat.

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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:47 pm

Well we got free birth control for anyone who wants it! America did that, there's a start. ..  Very Happy Shocked cheers Basketball Shit stirring Must see video - honest - Page 2 477249 
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espíritu del lago
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Must see video - honest - Page 2 Empty Re: Must see video - honest

Post by gringal Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:01 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:Well we got free birth control for anyone who wants it! America did that, there's a start. ..  Very Happy Shocked cheers Basketball Shit stirring Must see video - honest - Page 2 477249 

Not sure it's free for all......but the U.S. has one of the lowest population explosion problems. How about some of the Middle Eastern countries where the average is closer to 8 kids per woman? (I get tired just thinking about that one.)

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