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juan the cab driver

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juan the cab driver Empty juan the cab driver

Post by Pedro Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:34 pm

i have known juan for about 7 years. i cannot say enough about this guy. he lives in tlatchichilco. this week we had to go to trinidad hospital in guadalajara and be there by 9pm. i called juan at 7pm after talking to the doctor and he was here by 8pm and then waited until we were done to take us back home. cell # 333-130-5604.
he is losing a lot of regulars who are moving back NOB. recently we were at a wedding from 6PM to 11:30pm. he went to a movie and hung around the plaza in ajijic until we called for pickup[180pesos total charge plus tip].
he is never late and as you can see he will be there at a moments notice. he will pick you up at the airport using his regular car too.

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juan the cab driver Empty Re: juan the cab driver

Post by Flamingo Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:53 pm

Thanks. Looking for a new cab driver after our regular seems to have gone on to bigger things - cell numbers no longer working - and the last guy charged 160 pesos for one way from Chapala Haciendas to Ajijic.

Thanks for the suggestion
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juan the cab driver Empty Re: juan the cab driver

Post by LaLnMX Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:08 am

Does Juan understands enough English for us newbies to use?

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juan the cab driver Empty Re: juan the cab driver

Post by Pedro Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:19 am

his english is perfect and he interprets for us when we go to hospitals or clinics for example. if we're tooling around interesting areas,he does the tour guide thing too.
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Age : 81

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juan the cab driver Empty Re: juan the cab driver

Post by juanrey Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:00 am

We've used Juan in the past, based on Pedro's recommendation, and he is very good. He's patient, speaks well, has a sense of humor and is an overall good guy.
If you're looking for a good responsible driver, give him a try.
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Location : Ajijic, MX
Humor : George Carlin

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