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If you are looking for a good Albanil

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If you are looking for a good Albanil Empty If you are looking for a good Albanil

Post by bimini6 Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:51 pm

We just renovated a house on the south side. We had a fantastic Albanil (mason, roof, tiles etc.) He lives in San Luis but will drive to anywhere around the lake. He was prompt, so were his assistants, he bids by the job not by the day, is efficient, non invasive if you are living in the home and his work met all our expectations. His name is Miguel Mendoza and his phone number is 376 764 0185. He doe not speak any English but gets hand signs really well. He has one son that does speak some English, his name is Jose. The other brother is a total artistic master if you want some unusual project. Just thought I would recommend him if anyone is looking for such.

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Age : 69
Location : Chapala
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