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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by solajijic 2nd May 2014, 9:14 am

Central Ajijic

Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3476204431

What does this mean? And what should I want from TeleMex.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by CheenaGringo 2nd May 2014, 9:19 am

Whatever you are lucky enough to receive? It does sometimes depend on your plan.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by zenwoodle 2nd May 2014, 9:21 am

Most ISP's consider your speed to be the sum of upload and download.
In other words, they would say that you are getting 5.14 + 0.65, or 5.79.
I pay Telmex for the 3Mb service and get about the same as you are showing there.
What do you pay for?  Beer 
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by solajijic 2nd May 2014, 9:41 am

I know I don't pay for 5 so this is good enough. Now I know how to add them up and why, thanks.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by solajijic 2nd May 2014, 10:34 am

A friend in the DF is 26.5 up and .66 down. Apparently by adding them together that is very fast and something we will likely never see.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Zedinmexico 2nd May 2014, 1:52 pm

Telmex 3, 5, 10 bundles. I have 1 due to wire length to switch. Use for backup and VOIP phone.

Telecable 5, 8, 10, 15 bundles I think. I have 8 and it works.

About equal to 5 Telmex except for long downloads where the cable picks up speed I think. Telmex DSL sets up faster than Telecable. Speed for Telecable also depends on folks in Neighborhood sharing bandwidth. DSL is wired back to switch directly for most part. More up and down with Telecable. Telmex is more Stable for most part. My Telecable goes down about three times the time my Telmex but to be fair 1 download service is pretty basic these days and should be very stable.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by chelseagirls 3rd May 2014, 7:59 am

Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3478094431

This is mine this morning, I pay for hasta 5mb/s, my speed more than doubled to this about 6 months ago and is very stable. West Ajijic. Naturally, very happy!


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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by kiminmexico 3rd May 2014, 3:43 pm

I am also in West Ajijic using Telmex. I pay for 5Mbs & that's what I get. Wish I did get 10Mbs. That would be nice because I do a lot of downloading & use internet radio & Magic Jack VOIP.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by kiminmexico 3rd May 2014, 3:44 pm

I am also in West Ajijic using Telmex. I pay for 5Mbs & that's what I get. Wish I did get 10Mbs. That would be nice because I do a lot of downloading & use internet radio & Magic Jack VOIP.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Hensley 4th May 2014, 7:18 am = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3479838733

This is terrible I don't know what else to do, I went and got a new modem about 4 months ago and it is an old rebuilt.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by kiminmexico 4th May 2014, 7:32 am

Maybe you should consider changing to Telecable. Those results are nothing short of terrible. Or, get a Telmex tech. out to find out what the hell is going on. That's ridiculous.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Zedinmexico 4th May 2014, 7:57 am

Time to call it in Hensley.  I thought I was slow with 1 on my Telmex modem.  Call Telmex and keep asking for English (why they got rid of the direct English number I will never know) and eventually you will get with a very nice English speaking tech.  Have a copy of your bill to answer any questions. He/she
will test the line and such and tell you what is going on.  You should at least be 1 on download. Also before calling try speedtest on another server to see if results are the same. Allow a nice cool drink and  an hour or two for the process depending of course on how busy they are.  If you can't do it ask around the neighborhood for the smart Mexican computer kid and have him help you.  He will know about slow and such and he also speaks Spanish which should shorten the call as you don't have to wait for the English folks to be freed up. Keep google translate up on your computer to translate your English to Spanish if the computer kid doesn't speak English.


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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by CanuckBob 4th May 2014, 8:01 am

I have the basic package and get what I pay for.

Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3479894952

I do a lot of work on the internet and it is plenty fast for my needs. Occasionally video Skype gets a little choppy but most of the time it works good.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Ccsjc 4th May 2014, 12:56 pm

After two, long phone tech support sessions with TelMex, I went to the office in Ajijic.  I got a service ticket right away and a young man came to check my system.  He fixed something and suggested I get an extension installed, so I can directly wire when I am watching USTV Now.  Everything else seems to work well via wireless.  We now have about a 6 when you add both numbers together; pay for 5.  Time of day does impact; when neighbors are online ... Speed slows.  Went back to TelMex and got new ticket to have extension installed. Costs about 700 pesos which is put onto your phone bill (choice of 1 month or 2 for paying for it).  Waiting for extension to be installed.  Live in San Juan Cosala.


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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Hensley 5th May 2014, 6:25 am

kiminmexico wrote:Hensley,
Maybe you should consider changing to Telecable. Those results are nothing short of terrible. Or, get a Telmex tech. out to find out what the hell is going on. That's ridiculous.

Been there done that and had not service for 13 out of 19 days, then went to Profeco to get my money back.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Zedinmexico 5th May 2014, 7:56 am

Ccsjc wrote:After two, long phone tech support sessions with TelMex, I went to the office in Ajijic.  I got a service ticket right away and a young man came to check my system.  He fixed something and suggested I get an extension installed, so I can directly wire when I am watching USTV Now.  Everything else seems to work well via wireless.  We now have about a 6 when you add both numbers together; pay for 5.  Time of day does impact; when neighbors are online ... Speed slows.  Went back to TelMex and got new ticket to have extension installed. Costs about 700 pesos which is put onto your phone bill (choice of 1 month or 2 for paying for it).  Waiting for extension to be installed.  Live in San Juan Cosala.

Telmex or DSL or Phone modem works by using the same pair of wires that your phone works from.  It goes all the way back to the Switch. Now Telecable or Cable modem does share the local bandwidth on the cable with neighbors. The slowdown with DSL has nothing to do with your neighbors. The slowdown is farther down the internet not something in your neighborhood. Good Luckk!


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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Hensley 5th May 2014, 1:26 pm

Got a new modem in a regular box instead of a generic and it is a bit faster, I still need to call when I have time.
Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3482456143
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by kiminmexico 5th May 2014, 1:28 pm

Hensley, .74 down.....that's a joke. It's not the modem!!!!!
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by CheenaGringo 20th May 2014, 10:09 pm

Not too bad:
Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? <a href=Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Speed10" />

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Hensley 21st May 2014, 7:33 am

You suck Cheena I am so jealous.

I have called Telmex and got a really nice young man that brought my speed up to 1.68 and said he would put a work order for it to be over 3. never happened, so I called yesterday and talked to another tech and she put in another work order to get it higher again 72 more hours. That is ok at least it is a bit higher now.
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Hensley 21st May 2014, 10:08 pm


Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? 3515579496
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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by CheenaGringo 21st May 2014, 10:21 pm

If it is any consolation, this is the first time I have had an upload speed of over about .85. I did some jockeying with uploading a bunch of photos today and was totally amazed by the speed at which they uploaded in the full size original format. Can't wait to try uploading videos!

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Sent you a PM

Post by Pogo 2nd June 2014, 4:33 pm

Zedinmexico wrote:Time to call it in Hensley.  I thought I was slow with 1 on my Telmex modem.  Call Telmex and keep asking for English (why they got rid of the direct English number I will never know) and eventually you will get with a very nice English speaking tech.  Have a copy of your bill to answer any questions. He/she
will test the line and such and tell you what is going on.  You should at least be 1 on download. Also before calling try speedtest on another server to see if results are the same. Allow a nice cool drink and  an hour or two for the process depending of course on how busy they are.  If you can't do it ask around the neighborhood for the smart Mexican computer kid and have him help you.  He will know about slow and such and he also speaks Spanish which should shorten the call as you don't have to wait for the English folks to be freed up. Keep google translate up on your computer to translate your English to Spanish if the computer kid doesn't speak English.


I sent you a PM, Z. I hope you might have time to reply.

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Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting? Empty Re: Speeds = what do you get and what are you supposed to be getting?

Post by Rob and Wendy 3rd June 2014, 12:24 pm

I spent 3 and 1/2 months talking with Telmex. I had .8 MBPS download and .08 upload. I have no options for anything else because where I live in west Ajijic has no cables run.  I fought for quite awhile and finally I have 3.0 MBPS upload and .35 up.  It is much better.  I would like more but it appears to be all I can get.

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