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Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so...

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Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so... Empty Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so...

Post by solajijic Fri May 02, 2014 2:01 pm

Over the past couple of years I have caught sight of this event in PV which is usually in Sept or October.  I always see it AFTER it has happened.  It is chalk pictures on concrete which are 3D.  There are usually some very famous artists at the event.  I recall that it is an internatinal festival type of event. Anyone know when and where this might be.

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Location : Ajijic November 2004
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Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so... Empty Re: Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so...

Post by Rosa Venus Fri May 02, 2014 2:42 pm

Google "Festival de gis Puerto Vallarta" and you'll see all kinds of links. Looks like it's generally held in January (much better), and is combined with a couple other festivals, gastronomy and music. Sounds fun.
Rosa Venus
Rosa Venus
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Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so... Empty Re: Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so...

Post by solajijic Fri May 02, 2014 5:39 pm

I did do some Googling around but didn't find a 2014 date, but the PV Facebook page is marvelous and now I am jealous about all the things to do and places to go over there.

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Location : Ajijic November 2004
Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so... Empty Re: Puerto Vallarta chalk picture event in Sept or so...

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