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Gasoline prices go up in México

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by Rolly Sat May 03, 2014 1:05 pm

New prices effective 3 May 2014
Magna 12.68 pesos
Premium 13.34
Diesel 13.17
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by sm1mex Sat May 03, 2014 2:35 pm

I wonder when the Mexicans are going to protest this go up every month law on gas.
It has doubled in 7 years I have been here.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 03, 2014 4:26 pm

IMO.....They can (and have) protest it all they want. Until Pemex hits the price where they no longer have to subsidize, it isn't likely to stop. Even at that point the govt will probably start to add taxes like many countries around the world. The days of "cheap living" in Mexico seem to be numbered.....many things have doubled in price over the past 10 years.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by CHILLIN Sat May 03, 2014 4:36 pm

The new energy reforms are supposed to reduce pump prices and CFE.

If you google Alfonso Cuarón, the producer of "Gravity" he paid for an advertisement asking ten questions about the proposed changes. To His, and everyone else's surprise, Presidente answered each one of them in a prompt and (seemingly) truthful manner.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by sm1mex Sat May 03, 2014 7:50 pm

When is the new energy reforms supposed to kick in?

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by snowyco Sat May 03, 2014 7:59 pm

So far, the proposed reforms are just proposals made by a govt minister. There is no legislation written or proposed (yet?). Peña Nieto has had a way of getting some "reforms" passed (education), while others wither even after passage in the Camara de Diputados (like the reforms on Fideicomisos). At this point, no one knows.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by sm1mex Sat May 03, 2014 8:08 pm

Just keep digging deeper in our pockets. I feel sorry for the Mexicans that have to drive and use gas for lawn equipment. Their cost goes up every month, a lot.
Also has a trickle down effect with everything being delivered, food, products, etc.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by David Sat May 03, 2014 9:14 pm

snowyco wrote:So far,  the proposed reforms are just proposals made by a govt minister.   There is no legislation written or proposed (yet?).   Peña Nieto has had a way of getting some "reforms" passed (education),   while others wither even after passage in the Camara de Diputados (like the reforms on Fideicomisos).  At this point,  no one knows.

What you assert is not true.  The outline of the Energy Reform was passed by the legislature, including changes to the Constitution, and signed into law by the Presidente.  What remains to be done is the details of implementation to be written and passed.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by CanuckBob Sun May 04, 2014 8:50 am

Well I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any government to reduce prices on anything other than as some sort of short term election ploy. While reforms may reduce these energy companies operating and production costs they will just come up with a reason to keep the higher margins. I recall Mexico pledging to put something like 100 billion into their transportation infrastructure. That money will have to come from somewhere. In Canada they get a large portion of it through fuel taxes.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by David Sun May 04, 2014 8:57 am

I too hold out no hope for price reduction.  I would like to see the monthly increases discontinued though.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by newinajijic Sun May 04, 2014 8:59 am

Does any one really care what the price is, not going to change your lifestyle

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by addtocart Sun May 04, 2014 9:19 am

newinajijic wrote:Does any one really care what the price is, not going to change your lifestyle
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by Pedro Sun May 04, 2014 10:08 am

addtocart wrote:
newinajijic wrote:Does any one really care what the price is, not going to change your lifestyle
yes,really. the key word being "your" lifestyle.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by David Sun May 04, 2014 10:12 am

As in  the posters lifestyle, he know nothing about mine or yours.  BTW, the price of fuel affects the entire economy of Mexico.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by Pedro Sun May 04, 2014 10:23 am

of course it does and i feel for my less fortunate neighbours
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by Mainecoons Sun May 04, 2014 10:46 am

Rolly wrote:New prices effective 3 May 2014
Magna 12.68 pesos
Premium 13.34
Diesel 13.17

Works out to about $3.70 per gallon for Magna. Regular is $3.43 per gallon here in north Texas.

Diesel is $3.89 here.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by arbon Sun May 04, 2014 10:57 am

Mainecoons wrote:
Rolly wrote:New prices effective 3 May 2014
Magna 12.68 pesos
Premium 13.34
Diesel 13.17

Works out to about $3.70 per gallon for Magna.  Regular is $3.43 per gallon here in north Texas.

Diesel is $3.89 here.


Those are only whine gallons of 3.78 Liters.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by snowyco Sun May 04, 2014 5:15 pm

David wrote:
snowyco wrote:So far,  the proposed reforms are just proposals made by a govt minister.   There is no legislation written or proposed (yet?).   Peña Nieto has had a way of getting some "reforms" passed (education),   while others wither even after passage in the Camara de Diputados (like the reforms on Fideicomisos).  At this point,  no one knows.

What you assert is not true.  The outline of the Energy Reform was passed by the legislature, including changes to the Constitution, and signed into law by the Presidente.  What remains to be done is the details of implementation to be written and passed.

That's good to hear.   The American media report I read said that actual reform legislation had not been passed yet,  as they quoted an extended interview with Mexico's Secretary of Energy.

Maybe the US reporter and editor did not consider "a legislative outline" of energy reform, to have substance. Are "outlines" effective legislation that directly cause reforms?    Still,  Peña Nieto seems determined to build a legacy of reforms - and may push through the details and rules that make reform happen.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by David Sun May 04, 2014 5:41 pm

That's the way it works here; first the Law is passed (and any Constitutional changes necessary) then the details, think implementation, are written and passed. e.g. the new law allows foreign investment and contract sharing,  what we don't know yet is the actual details.  Same thing happened a few years ago with "immigration reform." It took over 16 months before we got the details.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by Jim W Sun May 04, 2014 6:39 pm

$3.35 in Phoenix......Where she stops, know one knows....LOL.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by David Sun May 04, 2014 9:12 pm

Quien sabe.  I learned in many years of international travel that only Americans obsess over the price of gasoline!
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by CheenaGringo Sun May 04, 2014 9:36 pm

BINGO! And to that you can add them obsessing over slight fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Fact of the matter is that many do not drive the number of miles where a bump in the gas prices really directly dents their wallet/purse. It is a given that the raising of fuel costs will affect the cost of goods across the board but rarely do you hear the cheering when the price of gas goes down NOB.

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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by addtocart Mon May 05, 2014 8:47 am

Pedro wrote:
addtocart wrote:
newinajijic wrote:Does any one really care what the price is, not going to change your lifestyle
yes,really. the key word being "your" lifestyle.
Then maybe the poster should have said "my lifestyle" since he is independently wealthy.
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 05, 2014 9:51 am

Or doesn't own a vehicle and/or drive much........
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Gasoline prices go up in México Empty Re: Gasoline prices go up in México

Post by kiminmexico Mon May 05, 2014 12:47 pm

For most of us ex-pats it'snot a big deal. Most of us don't drive that many miles anyway. I fill up my Pathfinder about once every 3 weeks. Not a huge hardship.Can't wait to drive to BC this summer & get raped up there. But, I really do feel sorry for the average Mexican that depends on a vehicle for transportation or work.
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