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CFE Rates

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CFE Rates Empty CFE Rates

Post by SunFan Thu May 08, 2014 4:51 pm

Out of curiosity does anyone know where I can find the current CFE charges for their defined usage rates as follows;

Rate 1: 250 (two hundred fifty) kWh / month.
Rate 1A: 300 (three hundred) kWh / month.
Rate 1B: 400 (four hundred) kWh / month.
Rate 1C: 850 (eight hundred fifty) kWh / month.
Rate 1D: 1,000 (one thousand) kWh / month.
Rate 1E: 2,000 (two thousand) kWh / month.
Rate 1F: 2,500 (2500) kWh / month.


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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by rs6000 Thu May 08, 2014 5:37 pm

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by lobita Sat May 10, 2014 7:17 am

So ... how do we find out what zone we're considered to be in? (e.g. official average summer temperatures)
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 10, 2014 7:35 am

OK here you go we are the highest due to no need for heating or cooling. Rate 1.


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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by SunFan Sat May 10, 2014 8:07 am

So if I'm reading the CFE web site correctly, DAC charges here are upwards of 4 pesos a KWH???? For all consumption? Yikes!

Glad I have PV panels!

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 10, 2014 8:41 am

It goes up as you use more.

For two months  1334.00 P

Basic                  150KWh  at .798 per KW   119.70P
Interm.               130KWh  at .969 per KW   125.97P
Exceed.               319KWh at 2.835 per KW   904.36P
                                        taxes                   194P
                                        Total                     1334P

Note this bill means I will go DAC if I keep using this much electricity as I am over 250KWh per month. If I keep using this much the bill at some point when DAC kicks in (one year averaging over 250KWH/mo I think or something like that) will go skyhigh. Note I have all LED bulbs, LED TV, All new appliances so I can't update as I have already done so.  My problem is water pumps as I live on a hill and have four pumps to move around water. I also have two meters one for house and one for Casita.  Am planning to  put 1 to 2 KW of solar panels on roof to avoid DAC. I do live in a very large house and fans this time of year put us over top.  Yes CFE billing is
shocking until you get use to it.  It is a powerful tool for getting us to cut down on electricity and update our bulbs and appliances. Many industrials users in Mexico generate electricity themselves due to CFE high rates.  My Mom in Washington State pays the same for 750KWh per month that I pay for 200KWh per month here.
You will learn to turn out the lights believe me laugh out loud.

Can somebody post a DAC bill here like I did above to compare please?


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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by elehne1 Sat May 10, 2014 9:31 am

Does anyone know the rate classification for San Carlos or Rocky Point?

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by lobita Sat May 10, 2014 10:45 am

I can't make these numbers reconcile. If you look at the link rs6000 posted above, Zone 1 has the following rate tiers year-round:

basic: first 75 kwh ($ 0.804 for May)
intermediate: next 65 kwh ($ 0.975 for May)
excess: everything above 140 kwh ($ 2.853 for May)

Of course the rates rise incrementally each month, but I'm looking at the tier divisions, which don't square with the tiers Zed posted. Nor does any other zone seem to directly correspond, so I'm baffled.

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 10, 2014 11:09 am

Don't know what to say. It was my last bill which I paid a couple of weeks ago so I doubt if my info is wrong. It also says zone on bill I believe. Also you are looking at May charges which have not been billed so yes your numbers are larger than my numbers for Basic and Interm.  It changes every month or so like Petrol in Mexico. My bill Ended April 13 or something around there.


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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 10, 2014 11:21 am

My last bill was 882 kwh and it cost $3800.02 peso's
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by SunFan Sat May 10, 2014 12:25 pm


Why so high?

I thought you had separate meters for the casitas???

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 10, 2014 12:40 pm

No, I only have one meter. I plan on adding a separate meter for each casita at some point in the future.

BTW......I don't actually consider $150 per month for electricity to be that high. I was spending about the same up in Vancouver. I was also spending another $150 per month on gas up there too.
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by arbon Sat May 10, 2014 1:39 pm

CanuckBob wrote:No, I only have one meter. I plan on adding a separate meter for each casita at some point in the future.

BTW......I don't actually consider $150 per month for electricity to be that high. I was spending about the same up in Vancouver. I was also spending another $150 per month on gas up there too.

$150 @ .069 Kw.h = 2,100 Kw.h per month

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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 10, 2014 1:53 pm

Yep and that's about as much as my house, hot tub, pool and rental suite used every month. The hot tub and pool pump were the killers.

Here, I have two rental suites and a pool pump so it doesn't seem bad at all.
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by David Sat May 10, 2014 7:32 pm

Zedinmexico wrote:Don't know what to say. It was my last bill which I paid a couple of weeks ago so I doubt if my info is wrong. It also says zone on bill I believe. Also you are looking at May charges which have not been billed so yes your numbers are larger than my numbers for Basic and Interm.  It changes every month or so like Petrol in Mexico. My bill Ended April 13 or something around there.


My CFE bill does not have the Zone number but it does have the Tarifa number which is 1.  Take another look at your bill.  If you've got PV Solar you're Tarifa 1, or if you use less than 250kW/month.
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by MexicoPete Sat May 10, 2014 9:47 pm

Dave: you are right it is an average of 250 KWH per month, but the real rule is less than 3,000 KWH during the previous 12 months. So if you used way too much during the previous 10 months, your next 2 month bill, even if it was for only 100 KHW would be charged at the DAC rate.

And your future 100 KWH rates would continue at DAC until it and the other bills averaged less than 3000 KWH during the previous 12 months
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by David Sat May 10, 2014 10:45 pm

Thankfully, we have solar PV!  Last bill was $45 pesos!
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by saege007 Sun May 11, 2014 12:18 am

I use an average of about 1.12 kWh per day. My last bill for two months was $73 pesos. I feel like I use too much sometimes, too. I also run my business in my house, using a hair dryer, extra lights in the daytime, and often a curling iron or flat iron. On the flip side I do t have a tv or microwave or really any small kitchen appliances.
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CFE Rates Empty Re: CFE Rates

Post by Irish Gal Tue May 13, 2014 11:16 pm

Does anyone know if I can pay a lump sum to CFE to cover a bill which will fall due when I'm away? I thought I'd read that that couldn't be done anymore but can't find the post. Thanks in advance.

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