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Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's

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Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's Empty Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's

Post by suegarn Tue May 20, 2014 10:21 am

Saw this article the other day and thought of you, Axixic...(remember the discussion we all had at Merendero Lake cafe?)

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Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's Empty Re: Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's

Post by Zedinmexico Thu May 22, 2014 8:00 am

For Musicians this is funnier than if you are not a Musician. Agreed they are different.


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Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's Empty Re: Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's

Post by CHILLIN Fri May 23, 2014 12:38 pm

Have you seen this one? Will Ferrel looks exactly like the drummer for Red Hot Chile Peppers. They have a "drum off', with his last solo, the 'cowbell' bit from SNL, and a surprise appearance by the rest of the Peppers. Good stuff.
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Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's Empty Re: Science shows how drummer's brains are actually different than everyone else's

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