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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by coffeeguy Tue May 20, 2014 3:13 pm

This was posted by friends of my who are very well-known in the early/frugal retirement world. It's interesting to see just how low this guy's expenses are, and also how Thailand, which is very xenophobic, still makes it much easier to retire there than INM does here!

Of course driving there with all your stuff could be a bit of a challenge  Surte

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by viajero Tue May 20, 2014 3:36 pm

coffeeguy wrote:

Of course driving there with all your stuff could be a bit of a challenge  Surte 
Not to mention living under martial law.

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by coffeeguy Tue May 20, 2014 3:39 pm

viajero wrote:
coffeeguy wrote:

Of course driving there with all your stuff could be a bit of a challenge  Surte 
Not to mention living under martial law.

True (about the martial law, just declared) but that'll pass and it's still a much safer place to live, crime-wise, than either here or the U.S.

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by viajero Tue May 20, 2014 3:56 pm

I thought about SE asia for retirement, there's lots to be said for it ,but the language barrier was my main reason for not considering it seriously.

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by coffeeguy Tue May 20, 2014 4:40 pm

The language barrier really is huge, and the cultural ones are just as formidable. The only folks I've met or read about who've done well with either have been those who've married Thais and worked really hard at it.

I love the food, the culture and the beauty and diversity of the place, but IMHO it makes a lot more sense for Aussies and/or folks who've either spent a lot of their working lives over there or who have strong family ties. As I get older my interest in, and tolerance for, 24-36 hour airline-and-airport slogs has also diminished greatly. Lovely country and people though.

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by CheenaGringo Wed May 21, 2014 8:54 am

I have never understood what drives people to obsess about money whether they retire early, on time or late?

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by coffeeguy Wed May 21, 2014 9:13 am

CheenaGringo wrote:I have never understood what drives people to obsess about money whether they retire early, on time or late?

Uh....poverty? stock market crashes? health issues? life?

I didn't realize you were related to Warren Buffett Neil  Very Happy 

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by CheenaGringo Wed May 21, 2014 9:33 am

Not even close! Fact is is that working has allowed me to obsess over the beauty, the experiences and the wonderful local residents of where we choose to travel or live in retirement. Having had the privilege of traveling to Thailand a number of times dating back to 1956, there are so many other key aspects to Thailand that Gary Holmes failed to mention since he spent so much of the so-called interview bragging about his low cost of living!

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by Nosnow Wed May 21, 2014 9:46 am

Sometimes you just can't win!
I didn't see him as "bragging". Found it informative,and realistic from an Aussie point of view.
Perhaps managing to live on a tight budget is foremost on his mind,and it serves as a
caution for others in a similar situation.
Thanks for posting this interesting article.

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Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand Empty Re: Interesting profile on an Australian expat retired in Thailand

Post by brigitte Wed May 21, 2014 11:31 am

I have cousins who live 6or 7 months in Asia as their son lives in Taipei. They have no language barrier. They travel all over the place, take buses, rent motocycles go where there are no tourists and they have never mentioned having any problem.
This year they were in Malaysia including the part in Borneo, last year in Thailand, the year before in Vietnam and before that Cambodia. Do not speak any other language than French and have zero problems except for driving a car..martial law or not you need to have nerves of steel..and I forget they love heat!

and I forget have very little money.

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