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American Legion, Belmont Stakes and Tex-Mex Tacos

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American Legion, Belmont Stakes and Tex-Mex Tacos Empty American Legion, Belmont Stakes and Tex-Mex Tacos

Post by rico Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:53 am

This Saturday, the American Legion will be staging a Belmont Stakes Party. The Preakness was so much fun, we decided to do it again. This time, we will also be offering true Tex-Mex tacos, homemade all the way down to the shells, including the salsa. The fun and food will start at 3:00, which is when Happy Hour starts with 13 peso beers and HH priced well drinks. There is no cover charge and everyone is invited. No need for membership, just come in and have fun, make new friends and enjoy the activities. The event will run until 7:30 with food up to the end, Happy hour until 6:00 PM.

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American Legion, Belmont Stakes and Tex-Mex Tacos Empty Re: American Legion, Belmont Stakes and Tex-Mex Tacos

Post by rico Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:55 am

This event is at American Legion Post 7, 114 Moreles, Chapala.

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