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Pay for parking

Lady Otter Latté
Rosa Venus
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Pay for parking Empty Pay for parking

Post by itsme Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:42 pm

Every so often I stop and have something light at Maria Isabella, I find the ambiance there very relaxing. The wait staff are friendly, there is usually a soft breeze and, of course, the lake. This afternoon I went down and the people had the chain up and told me it would cost 20 pesos to park where previously it had been free. (On federal land). I refused and said I can park for free right across the street.
I spoke to the owner's son about this, he said it is Hector who has implemented this to get money from the tapatios on the weekend. Personally, I think this is outrageous, especially when the person I was with noticed that Mexicans were coming in for free and the expats all had to pay.

This is not Ajijic land it is federal land, what is he doing with the money that is collected over the weekend, whose pocket is it lining? He is hurting a business which is new in town and bringing in revenue, those who are turned away due to refusing to pay for something which is free during the week go to another restaurant, perhaps in Chapala or Joco. Who authorized Hector to charge for use of federal land? Where are the people who wish to use the malecon to park once the parking is full? Hector states he wishes to encourage people to come to Ajijic and spend their money, this is NOT the way it is done.  Blackeye

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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Ms.Thang Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:11 pm

If this is true I would be very disappointed in Hector, but I would probably have to ask Hector to really believe that this is his idea.
This sort of thing drives customers away, like you said. I agree it's not the way to do things.

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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Rosa Venus Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:26 pm

They've gated off that area on weekends for several months. Visiting Mexicans pay to park there. And I doubt they complain about $20 pesos. Locals know where alternative parking can be had for free.
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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:47 pm

The only thing you knew for a fact was that someone was collecting 20 pesos from some people to park there today. Period. The rest of your OP is gossip and speculation. With no idea what is actually going on there or who is behind it, you have accused Hector of some bad stuff, including "lining his pockets" with money gained from illegally using federal land. Some people will read your speculations and repeat them as truth. "Well, I read that Hector took over Federal land and is lining his pockets with money he is getting from gringos who want to park their cars." That will just be the starting point. The story will grow from there. You are not even just spreading rumors. You are ground zero for them. Now, bit by bit you will find out the truth. But that OP will be here with your uninformed speculation right up there on top.
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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Mainecoons Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:05 am

Some of you may not be aware that basically the Chapala government has stopped providing services to most of the villages along the lake other than its own.  The parking program started some months back, it covers everyone though people who work there probably aren't charged.  The money is carefully accounted for and used to pay for the things that our considerable tax payments to Chapala used to cover, like street cleaning and repair and that sort of thing.

These days, Chapala basically takes everyone's money and spends it only on Chapala. San Antonio is getting shafted too.

The insinuations about Hector's personal honesty are off the reservation, malicious and false.  You have no idea the state of neglect Ajijic would be in but for Hector and his team of volunteers.
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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:45 am

You are a little out of date. Been this way for quite a while.  Hector is honest and does not hold money for projects and such.  In other words Itsme you are wrong and offensive to a nice human being.  Go bitch on TOB cause bitching about Hector ain't gonna cut it on this board at least with me. Hector and his Volunteers of which I am one do good unlike other folks who do nothing but get upset over absolutely nothing.


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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by hickton Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:58 am

i find it hard to believe they are only charging gringos. it is a reasonable way of generating funds for ajijic, and i dont think for one minute hector is lining anyones pockets. totally wrong to post anything like that !!

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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:01 am

hickton wrote:i find it hard to believe they are only charging gringos. it is a reasonable way of generating funds for ajijic, and i dont think for one minute hector is lining anyones pockets. totally wrong to post anything like that !!

I have seen more Mexicans pay the fee than Gringoes so I think the person is wrong.


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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:04 am

Rosa Venus wrote:They've gated off that area on weekends for several months. Visiting Mexicans pay to park there. And I doubt they complain about $20 pesos. Locals know where alternative parking can be had for free.

No this was done last year for the first time not this year.  Folks just have not noticed.


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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by brigitte Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:17 am

Obviously sme people like to make mountains out of mole hills

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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:28 am

Like many things in Mexico, sometimes they charge and sometimes they don't. I have seen them do this off and on for several years. It started way before last year. Mainly on the holiday weekends or during fiestas.
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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by itsme Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:48 pm

Do not make false accusations, I have not started any rumors nor accused Hector of lining his pockets, please reread the post. It is not gossip or speculation if I receive first hand information. The information I received was from the restaurant owner's son, they had spoken to Hector about this. A woman sits at the chain and opens it when paid, she is employed by Ajijic. Leo also told me if one states one lives in Ajijic, they will be let in for free, and that she knows many of the residents. Perhaps that is why they were let in without paying, I do not know. Finally, this was not "bitching" about Hector, one thing I can say, you sure do know how to read into things which are not there. As far as TOB is concerned, I was kicked off there quite a few times, and now, I guess, Zed wants me off this one because he does not like what I wrote, which was basically an fyi.

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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by gvprod Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:58 pm

Really, some of your wealthy GRINGOS do not have $1.50 to pay for parking? Chapala has cut off almost all funding to Ajijic, but it does take all of our tax money. Just tell them you are from Ajijic, and if the ask for the pass word....say "PUTA" what password? and they will let you right in.
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Pay for parking Empty Re: Pay for parking

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:03 pm

“… the person I was with noticed that Mexicans were coming in for free and the expats all had to pay.” -- itsme

“… what is he doing with the money that is collected over the weekend, whose pocket is it lining?” -- itsme

“Who authorized Hector to charge for use of federal land?“ -- itsme

I do not know where people got the idea that itsme was accusing Hector of anything. I bet s/he was shocked, hurt and disappointed that people read something negative into that unbiased, factual reporting of the parking situation. It was just an FYI.  Rolling Eyes 
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