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Mx.gob don't laugh

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:34 pm

Anyone out there know the magic search term and website that would get me to the actual law describing financial requirements for residente permanente and residente temporal?
I understand that each consulate has their own interpretation, but I'd like to get a peek at the real thing before we go dragging our paperwork down there.
Thanks in advance,

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:23 pm

This was posted a by Intercasa (AKA Spencer our resident lawyer):

Please note that the minimum wage for Mexico City as well as Guadalajara will rise for 2014 to 67.29 pesos.

Immigration Income Calculations 2014

Residente permanente
6 months bank statements
500 times minimum wage $67.29 pesos = $33,645 pesos or $2,590US (Exchange rate 12.99) per month


12 months bank statements
25,000 times minimum wage $67.29 pesos = $1,682,250 pesos or $129,503US (Exchange rate 12.99) in total holdings

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:24 pm

But as has been pointed out by several people every consulate plays by their own rules. While some may accept lower amounts I'm sure none would require more.
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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:36 pm

Yes, I saw that post by Intercasa and there have been other posters who have quoted even more comprehensive versions (OR own a home worth 209,000 usd OR have investments worth a brazillion dollars)

In my private correspondence with those who have gone before me, I have heard "yeah, but they wouldn't count my paid off McMansion as part of my portfolio" or "yeah, but they wouldn't aggregate my wife's and my separate holdings" or "yeah, my husband's pension was double the requirement but since I've never worked outside the home I don't have a pension and...." Ridic!

If I could just see a copy of the written law in Spanish I would feel better about being able to present my case.

Maybe I should just call Spence and see if he would make me a copy?

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:37 pm

Plus I could roll it up and hit 'em on the head with it if they don't let me have my way....

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:45 pm

If you are in the US I would go to your nearest consulate and ask them since it would appear every consulate has it's own interpretation. It won't really matter what Spencer or the written law has to say. They will either approve or deny on their own interpretation.
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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Pedro Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:09 pm

lissen ta what bob just said. saves ya from stewing over nada.
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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:15 pm

OK, dudes. Maverick's goin' in...

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Jim W Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:35 pm

Rubia wrote:OK, dudes.  Maverick's goin' in...

As in "TOP GUN"?  Beer Beer Beer 
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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by solajijic Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:56 pm

Yes, I got caught on the no pension of my own. We wanted to use husbands which would cover me for permanente separate from him but in Detroit they wouldn't take it. Nor would they take my IRA amount because I am not yet 59 1/2 so it isn't paying out. The compromise was they gave me temporal as family to ride on his permanente.

This was Detroit, but I had the same thing told to me in Laredo. Granted at that point in summer 2013 this was all new and maybe, we hope, things have settled down.

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:29 pm

Rubia wrote:OK, dudes.  Maverick's goin' in...

Well Maverick, please give us all the dirty details once you have visited them. It's always interesting to hear what the different consulates tell people.
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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by snowyco Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:00 pm

The information you want is out there.   Try or

They both talk about how one spouse of a couple who has the assets or accounts in their name, or deposits or pension payouts made to them,  is the one who applies for the residente permanente (or temporal) at the Consulate.   The spouse who does not have sufficient assets comes to Mexico with the affluent spouse,  but they simply enter Mexico on a cheap ($240 pesos?) 6 month Visitante visa (- used to be called tourist visa).

Once the primary residente permanente applicant spouse has their visa/card from INM,   the spouse then applies for automatic acceptance FOR THE SAME VISA type as a family member, under the Vinculo Familiar program , by applying at the same INM office that the residente permanente spouse got their INM residency card.

To read more,  check out:  ~ Current Rules and Procedures for Immigration, Visiting, and Staying in Mexico    

You can drill into the Vinculo Familiar details at:  Other Categories/Qualifications that Permit a Foreigner to Become a Residente Permanente:
be sure to read the subsection on Vinculo Familiar that is part of that discussion of your options.

You can find links to the actual Ley de Migracion (INM Law - Chapter 2, Article 52, Item IX for RP info) and more specifically the Lineamientos to read the specific Article you want for the Residente Permanente rules and requirements:  "Residente Permanente Income or Deposits or Bank Balance Requirements:
(Lineamientos Article 44) (Requisitos)
Financial Independence (Savings or Income or Property) Requirements for Permanent Residency / Residente Permanente Applicants
~ LINEAMIENTOS para trámites y procedimientos migratorios. for the government spanish version has the information, but not the technical detail and not the web links to the laws nor lineamientos. has all the weblinks and lots of details, but that makes the article is so long, it's best to jump to the top of the article and use the Table of Contents,  or Table of Key Topics,   and select the hotlinks for the specific topics that you want - and click to jump down to that section of information.  

Both sites have really good, reliable information that works.

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:26 am

Bless your heart, Snowyco. That is exactly what I wanted: the primary source.
Muchisimas Gracias!

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by pamarie Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:08 pm

I got onto this site about a year ago, it's excellent for all sorts of things! Great site!

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Luisa Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:29 am

pamarie wrote:I got onto this site about a year ago, it's excellent for all sorts of things!  Great site!

Pamarie, Snowyco, who posts here, is the author of the yucalandia site.

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:42 am

Well well well. The links snowyco provided were not to the primary source anyway. I thought we had more than our fair share of whack jobs on this board. Not sure it's any better to have one whack job with multiple personalities....

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Luisa Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:46 am

Rubia wrote:Well well well.  The links snowyco provided were not to the primary source anyway.  I thought we had more than our fair share of whack jobs on this board.  Not sure it's any better to have one whack job with multiple personalities....

I did not mean to suggest that Snowyco was doing anything wrong. His site has been around for a long time. I don't know how good it is. I've always skipped over it because I thought he focused on the Yucatan and I don't live in the Yucatan.

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Rubia Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:23 am

And I did not mean to imply anyone specifically is a whack job. :)

I should have just said, "that's too bad". Blame it on pre-coffee state of mind.

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Mx.gob       don't laugh Empty Re: Mx.gob don't laugh

Post by Zea Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:13 am

Rubia wrote:Well well well. The links snowyco provided were not to the primary source anyway. I thought we had more than our fair share of whack jobs on this board. Not sure it's any better to have one whack job with multiple personalities....

Snowyco's last link is to the fed gov website. Just scroll down to the correct Articulo (which he provided).

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