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Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat.

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Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat. Empty Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat.

Post by rico Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:38 am

Good news. I made my Tex-Mex Taco's for the American Legion, Post 7 in Chapala for the Belmont Stakes a few weeks back, and it was a smashing success. About 150 tacos sold in record time. Sold out once, bought 3 more kilo's of meat, more shells and sold out again Homemade Taco's and my own salsa with crispy taco shells. Due to demand, we will also be providing softshell tacos for those that prefer them. Saturday, June 26th at Post 7, II4 Moreles in Chapala, starting around 3pm and going till we run out. Unless we buy more again. Come out, enjoy some World Cup games and some great food and company. Everyone invited, no need to be a member. Oh, and Happy Hour all day long. Where else can you get beers for 15 pesos all day on a Saturday?

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Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat. Empty Re: Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat.

Post by Gamina Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:35 pm

You mean Saturday the 28th, correct?
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Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat. Empty Re: Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat.

Post by hockables Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:06 pm

Those were some damned fine tacos....

Hoxx still suggests pickled serranos, refried beans, sour crème, & soft whole wheat tortillas...

that and copious amounts of cervezas.... ahhhhh .... heaven  Beer 
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Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat. Empty Re: Rico's Tex-Mex Tacos Am Legion Sat.

Post by rico Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:28 am

Yes, sorry, the 28th is correct. Hoxx, the sour cream ( note spelling, I'm Tex Mex) soft flour tortillas, and of course copious amounts of cervezas will be available. Pickled serranos give me heartburn, so my salsa is going to have to do. Fresh serranos I eat like popcorn. Since I am doing this fro no reason, other than to help a great organization make money to help veterans and community, I work to keep the costs down. Now, you work to get your butt down here and it may be different when we are having tacos at my house. Enchiladas, Tex-Mex, of course may be included for the Combo Platter.

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