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Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Lady Otter Latté
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by CanuckBob Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:08 am

Viajero-Tiempo wrote:Z
Yes, it's wrong
Your technical justification is a justification for theft
Please tell us if you have an account with Shaw
And if you do, do you allow or charge others for access to the same programming as though it is another of your personal receivers
And if you don't have an account with Shaw,
do you pay someone else to give/sell/rent equipment to you so that you can access Shaw programming.

If you do not have an account in your name - that you pay money to shaw or if you have such an account, but share it and equipment and associated identification information with (sell or give "stacked" access) then you are stealing income from Shaw.

And you say you "get it anyway I can".

Like it or not, you are a thief. And everyone who reads here knows it.  And your acquaintances know it.

Are you proud of what you are?

Well you can rest easy as there are way more people stacking in Canada (where it is actually illegal) than there is here in Mexico.

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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:54 pm

I have tried to get all worked up over where, how and from whom people receive their satellite signals and I just can't. Sorry, I am not going to point fingers and hiss, "Stacker!" at people as they make their way through Super Lake. Good grief.
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by slainte39 Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:31 pm

Is this venial or mortal? I should get it  straight before I start my contrition and penance.  Well, maybe the priest will know.

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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:26 am

Viajero-Tiempo wrote:Z
Yes, it's wrong
Your technical justification is a justification for theft
Please tell us if you have an account with Shaw
And if you do, do you allow or charge others for access to the same programming as though it is another of your personal receivers
And if you don't have an account with Shaw,
do you pay someone else to give/sell/rent equipment to you so that you can access Shaw programming.

If you do not have an account in your name - that you pay money to shaw or if you have such an account, but share it and equipment and associated identification information with (sell or give "stacked" access) then you are stealing income from Shaw.

And you say you "get it anyway I can".

Like it or not, you are a thief. And everyone who reads here knows it.  And your acquaintances know it.

Are you proud of what you are?

First of all the legal term is fraud so you don't know your legal terms. Second you called me a thief . I suggest you apologize for that. I never said I stacked. Also as others has tried to point out everybody who uses a Shaw box in Mexico or US is breaking your legal agreement which is fraud. So you folks who think you are ethically correct because you have an account in your name are wrong and in violation of the Shaw Contract you signed. So dudes put that in your pipe and smoke it. All of us are breaking various laws and contracts in all three countries regarding these issues. So climb down off your high horse before you fall. Got a legal Sirius/XM sat radio contract like I have in US? Well it is not legal for me to use it here but I paid for it and the account is in my name. So I will use it with no guilt but it is not legal in Mexico so I am breaking the rules.

I feel no guilt and don't need you as my moral/ethical guide in fact you make me sick frankly.

Now does anybody care about any of this in Mexico or the US? No only you and a select few others whom I bet violate some laws or contracts back home since you seem to think you are on some higher ground when you are not.

End of subject do gooders


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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by David Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:01 am

I agree that when one pays for service one is being ethical.  Canada, the US, and Mexico have there telecom contracts and understandably so.  However, I'm of a mind that anything in the airwaves is more of less public domain, so I'll grab what I can.
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by Viajero-Tiempo Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:58 pm

I got zazy in that phrase
I had already qualified what would make you a thief
You know if you are
Your acquaintances know if you are

Perhaps you had a law course or perhaps you didnt
It is not fraud
It is Theft
If you are doing it you are a thief
If you are selling Shaw services to someone else that is theft
If you are buying such services fromk one of the stackers, that is theft.

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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by David Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:11 pm

It is what it is.  Each person that wants Shaw has two choices;  get your own account and pay for what you get, or pay someone to ride on his account and put $ in his pocket.  You save maybe $40 but you lose your soul.  Ethics, it's about ethics.  If you think you have them but you do this, you don't.  Pretty simple.
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by gpbasap Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:09 pm

No one is legally using Shaw in Mexico no matter how legal your account in Canada.
That is to say people in glass houses shouldn't walk around naked.
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by hockables Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:24 pm

gpbasap wrote:No one is legally using Shaw in Mexico no matter how legal your account in Canada.
That is to say people in glass houses shouldn't walk around naked.

Beer well.... some people...

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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by David Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:42 am

gpbasap wrote:No one is legally using Shaw in Mexico no matter how legal your account in Canada.
That is to say people in glass houses shouldn't walk around naked.

There's no Mexican law that says you can't.  It's not illegal.
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Shaw Direct Satellite TV - Page 2 Empty Re: Shaw Direct Satellite TV

Post by MexicoPete Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:33 am

That is correct David. English speakers have been watching programming from the US and then Canada starting in the early 80s, first on C Band, later or Ku and now even some Ka band via DirecTV USA. We are not breaking Mexican law.
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