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The lake is rising

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty sailing

Post by elevator Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:13 pm

Got a 16' Hobie here in the states I sail on Lake Hartwell in SC. It has a racing jib on it and will almost fly. I was wondering if there were Hobies there or something similar.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:54 pm

There is a Prindle 16 for sale right now. Have not seen it on the water. Two 17 ft trimarans and a day sailer get out fairly often. They sail Lasers and MacGregor 26 in Chapala. Always thought a Hobie or the Prindle with kick up rudders would be fun. Probably the winds are similar to Hartwell.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by pamarie Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:15 pm

The only bad thing about Hobies is they capsize easily and if the lake is nasty water for swimming in you end up sucking up some water the boad capsizes never mind if it turtles!

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by pamarie Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:18 pm

That's swimming for me in that lake since Simpsca noted seeing sewerage dumping in the water. Nastiness!

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by sparks Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:33 pm

pamarie wrote:The only bad thing about Hobies is they capsize easily and if the lake is nasty water for swimming in you end up sucking up some water the boad capsizes never mind if it turtles!  

Not that easily ... and you really have to be pushing it to dump it over all the way. I flipped a 14' but a 16' better have a REAL crew to get it back over. Either one worry about getting the mast stuck in the mud.

They are fun and not much wind needed to enjoy .... but be careful
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by pamarie Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:53 pm

My ex practiced capsizing our Hobie so when it happened during a race he could rightthe boat very fast but he's 6'5" and has some muscles to do it by himself which he did get excellent at it but when it turtled it wasn't as easy.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by sparks Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:31 pm

You don't do it with muscles ... but with weight and smarts. The wind also has to be there to do 80% of the work. No wind to help you might as well disassemble it upside down in pieces
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:50 pm

pamarie wrote:That's swimming for me in that lake since Simpsca noted seeing sewerage dumping in the water.  Nastiness!  

There is raw sewage being dumped in the coastal waters in most major NA coastal cities. Vancouver occasionally has to close some beaches due to high coliform counts.
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by gfresh Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:11 pm

My Hobie Kayak with a Mirage Drive draws just enough water to snag the buoyed fishing net near San Juan Cosala, so I'd be very watchful with Hobie Cat or you could get launched with any decent hull speed. Shocked 

The water 200+ yards off shore is fairly harmless, just don't go drinking allot of it. Yes the lake level is up, I noticed that several obstacles I avoiding while kayaking are now submerged.


Last edited by gfresh on Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)


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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by Pedro Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:57 pm

CHILLIN wrote:I have to prepare you pamarie that any day a local 'character' called Pedro will post a picture of old duffers wading into the Lake on New Year's Day. Keep a bottle of extra strength 'mind bleach' handy 
The lake is rising - Page 2 374777 
oh fer crying out loud- i have swimmed in this here lake quite a few times and even swallowed some of the water. there are a few pics of a bunch of us ferners even, doing it on this here board and other social media and newspapers . it ain't as polluted as some of the crappers NOB like in washington , oregon and some of them sloughs and beaver ponds i been known to frequent in canader[even lake ontario on toronto island when i was a kid and waded through a bunch of oil]. once it gets back up we will see whole families swimming in it again. get a grip!
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:56 am

The water in Lago Chapala is cleaner than any beach off LA if the truth were known.


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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:33 am

Jaja......probably. The city of Victoria on Vancouver Island still dumps it raw sewage right into the ocean. They don't (or at least didn't a few years ago) have a sewage treatment plant. The pipe goes about 1/2 mile out.
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by pamarie Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:37 am

Guys the ocean is a different story, for one thing it's massive, although Lakeside is so large I hear people feel like it's an ocean. But the ocean is the ocean and a lake is a lake there's too many differences between them. Ocean waters run extremely deep number one, and the water is stirred up by many types of storms so it doesn't bother me so much about the sewage dumping in the ocean, I don't like it but it is what it is. Seems many of you enjoy swimming in it and that's great for you, I'll go to the pools :) and enjoy the lake in many other ways :)

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:08 am

Sorry, but that way of thinking is why we are making a mess out of our oceans. Islands of floating plastic waste. A dead spot in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico bigger than Rhode Island because of pesticides and fertilizers coming down the Mississippi. Todd Strong(?)'s reports show less polution in this lake than along California beaches, but it won't stay that way if it doesn't get some kind of protection.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by pamarie Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:58 am

I agree with you windrider17, whole heartedly all our bodies of water, lakes or the ocean must be taken care of but it's a tough up hill battle, it seems to huge for me to wrap my brain around in how I could possibly be of any help in such a mission! Outside of not polluting the waters myself.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:16 pm

Not polluting the waters yourself is a fantastic start that most folks don't take. Not my place in this world to say this, but thank you.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:24 pm

Hey enough negative. I am old enough to remember when the great lakes were just about dead. I remember rivers catching on fire in Chicago. I say the glass is half full not half empty. Do what you can when you can. I pick up every piece of trash I see. Enough small acts become a big act. We can do better and will! Everybody lives on the planet!
Everybody is a partner! What an optimist I am laugh out loud.


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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:31 pm

Can't argue with anything you say. It's the only way it will happen. As of today, the lake is much more than half full.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by Mainecoons Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:19 pm

We need to understand the different kinds of ocean pollution and the ability of the oceans to deal with it.  Dumping solid wastes and trash there is going to result in serious environmental impact from floating materials and dissolving toxics.  However, if sewage is given effective primary treatment to remove solids and the effluent discharged a long ways off shore, it actually can serve as a nutrient and enrich the low nutrient level oceans.  Primary treatment removes all solids including plastics and results in an effluent with only fine suspended solids which marine life can readily use as food.

Raw waste should never be sent to the ocean precisely because it has some really noxious solids including plastics. However, it is environmentally damaging and wasteful to apply secondary treatment where offshore ocean discharge is available as the assimilative capacity of the ocean can easily handle, and even benefit, from those nutrients and there is a significant environmental cost associated with the energy used for secondary treatment.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:09 am

The lake has risen about 10" or more now just from the rain. If these rains continue hopefully they will have to dump the dams upstream. Maybe we will see 2010 levels by the end of this season.
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by oncesubtle Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:21 am

Nice observation, thanks for the update and please do keep them coming.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by hickton Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:41 am

remember it was reported in informador in march I believe, that they were going to drain the lake by 20% "for cleaning" the lake. don't know when or how it will start.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:58 pm

I don't believe they have any way to "drain" the lake. The only control they have is the upstream dams and they won't hold back if the flooding starts up there.
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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:05 pm

The idea of draining the lake to clean it up is also fantasy. Anyone want to bet that after the lake goes down 20% and creates miles of tillable land, someone will run out of money and suggest letting Driscol grow more berries to send to Publix and Kroger in the US and China is a great idea to solve economic problems.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by windrider17 Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:11 pm

Re: The lake is rising

by Mainecoons on Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:19 am

We need to understand the different kinds of ocean pollution and the ability of the oceans to deal with it. Dumping solid wastes and trash there is going to result in serious environmental impact from floating materials and dissolving toxics. However, if sewage is given effective primary treatment to remove solids and the effluent discharged a long ways off shore, it actually can serve as a nutrient and enrich the low nutrient level oceans. Primary treatment removes all solids including plastics and results in an effluent with only fine suspended solids which marine life can readily use as food.

Raw waste should never be sent to the ocean precisely because it has some really noxious solids including plastics. However, it is environmentally damaging and wasteful to apply secondary treatment where offshore ocean discharge is available as the assimilative capacity of the ocean can easily handle, and even benefit, from those nutrients and there is a significant environmental cost associated with the energy used for secondary treatment.


Prior to your comment, no one mentioned treated effluent being released into the ocean. All the posts had to do with issues regarding raw sewage as I read them. I am impressed with your knowledge which seems to be the purpose of your post, but your information is not relevant to what was being discussed.

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The lake is rising - Page 2 Empty Re: The lake is rising

Post by Sideways Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:44 am

Don't forget that most of the lake is bounded by farmland. The chemical runoff from fertilizers is of great concern to the health of the lake.

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