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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by pamarie Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:41 pm

I'm just curious as to whether anyone on this forum has gotten citizenship in Mexico and what happens to their US Social Security Benefits? Not that I'm going to be doing that any time real soon but I have read on some other forums about the benefits of doing this but wondered about the SS Benefits and how it would effect that. I imagine it would mean you give up those financial benefits and medicare but than I imagine that most people living there wouldn't opt to do that after years of paying into it :)

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by dcampbell757 Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:45 pm

I do not think the benefits would change. Most expats who receive Mexican citizenship maintain dual citizenship.

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by Guest Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:18 pm

The only way you can lose your citizenship is by going to the consulate and do it. Signing anything in Mexico matters nada. The way it works is that you have dual citizenship. When you are in the US you are under US jurisdiction and when you are in Mexico you are under their jurisdiction. So if you get sideways with the Mexican law yo have given up some of your US rights through the consulate. The good news us that you retain your social security and vets pension. I am in that situation. If you are going to be in Mexico more or less permanently I would do it ASAP.


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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by pamarie Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:46 pm

Okay so there isn't any issue with losing your SS Benefits when and if someone becomes a Mexican Citizen. Makes sense that you have dual citizenship, but I wondered if it impacted Social Security benefits. Thx both for responding :)

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by juanrey Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:48 pm

pamarie wrote:Okay so there isn't any issue with losing your SS Benefits when and if someone becomes a Mexican Citizen.  Makes sense that you have dual citizenship, but I wondered if it impacted Social Security benefits.  Thx both for responding :)

by Osoprehistorico Today at 5:18 pm

The only way you can lose your citizenship is by going to the consulate and do it. Signing anything in Mexico matters nada. The way it works is that you have dual citizenship. When you are in the US you are under US jurisdiction and when you are in Mexico you are under their jurisdiction. So if you get sideways with the Mexican law yo have given up some of your US rights through the consulate. The good news us that you retain your social security and vets pension. I am in that situation. If you are going to be in Mexico more or less permanently I would do it ASAP.
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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by brigitte Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:57 pm

No impacts on the SS if you are a US citizen. Sosocal security told me you would he your SS benefits if you paid in the system and were a vetback..their words
I am a dual French Mexican citizen and II get my SS benefits. You get what you paid in the sustem period.

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by brigitte Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:58 pm

No impact on the SS if you are a US citizen.  Social Security told me you would get your SS benefits if you paid in the system and were a vetback..their words
I am a dual French Mexican citizen and I get my SS benefits. You get what you paid in the sustem period.

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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by sampati Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:01 pm

pamarie wrote:I'm just curious as to whether anyone on this forum has gotten citizenship in Mexico and what happens to their US Social Security Benefits?  Not that I'm going to be doing that any time real soon but I have read on some other forums about the benefits of doing this but wondered about the SS Benefits and how it would effect that.  I imagine it would mean you give up those financial benefits and medicare but than I imagine that most people living there wouldn't opt to do that after years of paying into it :)  

Social Security benefit checks stay the same but Medicare will NOT cover you in Mexico. If you give up your Medicare and then you move back to the States in five or ten years, you will have to pay a hefty penalty to get your Medicare and Prescription Drug insurance back. Been there, done that, now paying penalties for Part B and Part D medical/prescription insurance. The penalties are forever.
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Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico Empty Re: Question about SS benefits after obtaining citizenship in Mexico

Post by LaChula Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:17 pm

I applied for my SS at the American Consulate in Guadalajara.  No problem.

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