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My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala - Excellent!!!

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My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala - Excellent!!! Empty My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala - Excellent!!!

Post by FMercik Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:30 pm

Hi All,
My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala for a possible retirement home was a resounding success thanks to Sid Grosvenor, the staff and owners of Hotel Casa Blanca, Paula, Matt & Meridith and Kim & Paul.
They went out of their to make me feel welcome and provided invaluable information. Sid spent 5 hours touring the area with me showing the numerous good restaurants, sights and a large variety of homes and gated communities. Kim and Paul did the same two days in a row. Both picked me up at the hotel Casa Blanca. They were lifesavers!!!!
I will be returning to the are this coming January with my wife. I look forward to seeing all of them again and making more friends.
The extraordinary hospitality and comradely of the people mentioned and many others, both gringos and Mexicans alike, are considered by me to be a major reason for retiring in the Lake Chapala community.

Thanks to all - I am in your debt.

Frank Mercik

PS  Bob I enjoyed meeting and speaking with you as well. You have a great board!

Posts : 30
Join date : 2014-03-12
Age : 81
Location : Washington Terrace, Utah 84405

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My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala - Excellent!!! Empty Re: My 1st scouting trip to Lake Chapala - Excellent!!!

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:58 pm

Gracias Frank. It was nice to meet you. Stop by for a coffee in January.
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Posts : 20478
Join date : 2010-04-04
Age : 61
Location : Lake Chapala (from Vancouver)
Humor : Sick and twisted

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