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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Lady Otter Latté
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by hogline Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:30 am

Can anyone tell me what the neighborhood around 16 Septembre, Constitucion and Revolucion is like? Is it noisy, safe, friendly? Are there night time music issues? Is this a good area to walk? Thanks

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Mainecoons Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:42 am

I live there. Safe, friendly. Some noise from La Bodega "restaurant" several nights per week, neighbors are bringing the new noise regulations to bear on that one. We can get some noise from the bull ring when they have concerts there but they generally end pretty early. Some noise from the soccer games daytimes on weekends but also a lot of fun to go there and watch the adult leagues play quite decent soccer.

Nice area for walking, easy walk to the plaza and a number of quality restaurants.

PM me if you'd like to visit personally.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by slainte39 Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:49 am

Very busy on Wednesdays, as that is tianguis day on Revolución stretching from the Carretera to Constitución. You have to walk it, pedestrians only, but usually very crowded. Otherwise a normal situation, except when the Lienzo Charro and futból fields are busy, and then it can be noisy, safe, friendly, etc.
It is any active area.

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by hogline Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:11 am

Does the area "flood" with people starting January 1st? I imagine that it is pretty quiet now.

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Pedro Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:21 am

all of agigig "floods" with snow birds from nov. to may and causes charming traffic jams and not just on the carretera.
i passed by the tianguis and superlake on wednesday and although the traffic was not to my liking it weren't nearly as bad as snowbird season. wherever ya get a lot of ferners in one place ya got bad traffic. add the tapatios on the weekend and ya got hell.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:36 am

I live a few blocks further west on 16th de Septiembre (near Ramon Corona) and it is very quiet. No noise from anything other than occasional LCS events and those are always done before dark.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:37 am

Pedro wrote:all of agigig "floods" with snow birds from nov. to may and causes charming traffic jams and not just on the carretera.
i passed by the tianguis and superlake on wednesday  and although the traffic was not to my liking it weren't nearly as bad as snowbird season. wherever ya get a lot of ferners in one place ya got bad traffic. add the tapatios on the weekend and ya got hell.

Yeah, I'll have to post that pic of "Lake Pedro" from the last rain storm. I've never seen the water that high around here.....jaja.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:06 am

Hogline, you will find a wide variety of views about any area. Mainecoons (who lives there) and Slainte gave you fair appraisals.
I know people who live in the area you are talking about and they would not want to live anywhere else.
Also, remember that different people have higher and lower tolerances for "noise"--and even what they consider noise.
As a frequent visitor to that area, I find it vibrant, friendly, safe and a great place to walk.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by RVGRINGO Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:55 am

When we lived in Ajijic, we were not bothered by noise, except when the frequent parades went past our house west of the plaza. However, the traffic in snowbird season and the expats who had no hesitation parking in front of garage doors was a real downer. After a few years, we sold and moved to Chapala, where we have enjoyed living for the last decade.

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Zedinmexico Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:16 pm

Closer to LCS more folks live and visitors to LCS are big problem 9am til noon or so especially on sunday for open circle. Farther you go east on Sept 16th the less folks are on street and frankly too quiet especially after 8pm. I prefer to live in an active Mexican neighborhood.  Can't say parts of September 16th fit this. Go look and walk around on early morning, weekends, and evenings and look as neighborhoods mentioned vary. You mentioned a very large area in original post.  Big difference between where Mainecoon lives by Bodega and where I and Canuck Bob live down by LCS. Friend folks who lived on revolution tolerated it for a few years but moved away to six corners for peace and quiet laugh out loud. I prefer to live in high density Mexican neighborhood for security reasons but others might hate that. I live behind walls around my house now and while the view it great no Mexicans other than gardeners and housekeepers.  Each has its merits.


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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by hogline Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:58 pm

Everyone has given good info. Looking forward to our upcoming stay. Thanks

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by gfresh Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:29 pm

I am living on 16 de Septiembre just a few doors west of La Bodega. A few nights a week the band/music can be heard until 11-12am. Nothing ear shattering, just some background music, I can easily watch TV with all the windows open. The only irritation is when I come in after 10pm and the street is parked full, and I want to up my car in my driveway, I manage though.


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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by hogline Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:16 pm

We ate at La Bodega last year and it was very good. I remember walking the street but it was in the morning and pretty quiet. I like how everyone says hi

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Rosa Venus Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:14 pm

It's a great neighborhood.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Zedinmexico Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:03 am

Original poster mentioned quite a large area. Very different living on revolution by El Toritoes than living on Sept 16th near LCS. Walk walk walk and learn the neighborhoods it is fun.

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Mainecoons Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:59 am

gfresh wrote:I am living on 16 de Septiembre just a few doors west of La Bodega.  A few nights a week the band/music can be heard until 11-12am. Nothing ear shattering, just some background music, I can easily watch TV with all the windows open.  The only irritation is when I come in after 10pm and the street is parked full, and I want to up my car in my driveway, I manage though.

Actually, you don't live in the same block, you live a fair distance west in the next block and you have a lot of masonry between you and La Bodega.  I know all the people who live "a few doors west."  None of them are fond of La Bodega with one exception, a fellow who actually performs there on occasion.  Unlike many of their acts who think that loudness is a substitute for talent, Jack actually has some.

You're getting parkers from both La Bodega and Four in your block.  La Bodega's customers use to park on our sidewalk and block our front door until we put up barricade poles and had a couple of them towed off. Requests to La Bodega to stop the illegal parking were ignored.

The place is a nuisance and the way it operates now is inappropriate for a quiet neighborhood setting.  We are much encouraged by the possibility that Chapala will be serious about enforcing these new noise laws that Mexicans passed because they are as tired of these places as many of us are.

And in anticipation of the snipers here, no La Bodega wasn't operating in this manner when we moved into the neighborhood.  Otherwise, we wouldn't have done so.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:38 am

Any restaurant/bar can change direction of their format at anytime. What's quiet today can be noisy tomorrow. I think moving next to one is a crap shoot. I realize even the LCS could get noisier if they start throwing more events but them's the breaks.
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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by Mainecoons Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:06 am

Yes but the LCS members all fall asleep at 8 PM.   Beer

Joking aside, that's why laws like this were passed and why if they are enforced they will stop this kind of thing.

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neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion Empty Re: neighborhood near Constitucion/Revolucion

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:57 pm

Somehow I don't think they will enforce these laws with Mexican business owners. Maybe with the weekend partiers.......
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