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Poor people needed for experiments

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Poor people needed for experiments Empty Poor people needed for experiments

Post by Intercasa Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:02 pm

Now that I got your attention... it is not quite that sinister.

I am trying to get to know the SAT computer system and there are different options for getting people their RFC number. I take a conservative approach but want to play with the questions to see how the RFC certificate will differ in the end depending on how the questions are answered.

I am looking for foreigners who do not and will not own real estate and I will get them their RFC for free if they have a CURP. This way if I get creative and the end result is that it generates a certificate where it will not work for the capital gains exemption, no harm no foul and the person will have an RFC number if they ever need one for paying taxes or banking in the future.
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Poor people needed for experiments Empty Re: Poor people needed for experiments

Post by borderreiver Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:21 am

I am a foreigner. USA customs and immigration people consider me an "alien". I find that amusing. I'm Canadian and have a CURP - lucked out somehow in 2011 whilst on a tourist visa. You can PM me and we'll proceed from there.
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Poor people needed for experiments Empty Re: Poor people needed for experiments

Post by DaveP Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:51 am

Intercasa wrote:Now that I got your attention... it is not quite that sinister.

I am trying to get to know the SAT computer system and there are different options for getting people their RFC number.  I take a conservative approach but want to play with the questions to see how the RFC certificate will differ in the end depending on how the questions are answered.  

I am looking for foreigners who do not and will not own real estate and I will get them their RFC for free if they have a CURP.  This way if I get creative and the end result is that it generates a certificate where it will not work for the capital gains exemption, no harm no foul and the person will have an RFC number if they ever need one for paying taxes or banking in the future.  

Spencer please PM me
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Poor people needed for experiments Empty Re: Poor people needed for experiments

Post by Intercasa Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:27 am

I will need the following info

Complete Name
Street address
Zip Code
Between what 2 cross streets
What color is house and how many stories is it
How many blocks from nearest landmark (give name), i.e. church, school, Oxxo, park
Home phone
Cell phone
Email address
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Posts : 3006
Join date : 2010-04-05
Age : 54
Location : Chapala / Zapopan
Humor : Barbed wit

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