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Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting.

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Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting. Empty Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting.

Post by Clueless Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:13 pm

I need someone who is pretty good in English.

I'm not looking for someone to do it for free (in fact, I don't want that).

Any help appreciated.

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Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting. Empty Re: Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting.

Post by Jim W Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:23 pm

Antonio,  did some work for us....court related.
He is totally bilingual. 

Please PM reach number Clueless, and I will provide more info.

Jim W
Jim W
Jim W
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Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting. Empty Re: Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting.

Post by Intercasa Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:44 pm

I can help, I was born in the US, was a business professional there and afterwards studied law in Mexico and am an official state court translator, official Guadalajara municipal translator, am on the US consulate list and a licensed Mexican attorney and litigator.
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Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting. Empty Re: Looking for a translator to go with me for a business meeting.

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