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Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Clueless Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:10 am

I just saw a video of a parade in Chapala; the video was posted today (9/27//14) but it didn't say when it was.

Where is the best place to find these upcoming events? I'm sure I miss a lot by not being fluent in Spanish, but I don't even know where to look.

What's my best option?

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Pedro Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:25 am

get a mexican calendar for starters.some of us post on various boards,facebook,etc. when we know of an event.
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Pedro Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:37 pm

the patron saint of chapala is san francesco aka saint francis of assisi. that's what's gonna be happening here this week
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Clueless Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:44 pm

I know a calendar will show Mexican holidays, but I want to know the specifics of when/where there will be parades and/or festivals.

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by arbon Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:18 pm

"I know a calendar will show Mexican holidays, but I want to know the specifics of when/where there will be parades and/or festivals."

If you live in Mexico where there are parades, you will have Mexican neighbours to ask.
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Pedro Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:26 pm

another clue-make friends with mexicans and ferners that have lived here a while.
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by slainte39 Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:42 pm

Check with the police office on the corner of Ni~nos Heroes and Zaragoza, in Chapala, and ask if they have "un lista o programa de desfiles en adelante", as all such events have to be cleared through them.

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by hkrause Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:32 am

Take a look at Ajijic News website. It may not list every little parade and celebration, but it has good info about the main celebrations that are coming up:
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Intercasa Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:41 am

Last day is today so at 6pm they should have a huge parade.
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Ms.Thang Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:31 pm

Thank God it's almost over, I don't know how much more I can take. A couple of days ago the rockets started at 5:30 a.m and went non stop for over half an hour with multiple bombs bursting in air every single second. It was unbelievable. Everyone seems to object to the cohetes, you never hear anyone talk about how great they are just what a pain in the ass they are, what a money burn and bitch , bitch, bitch. There is a whole page of complaints in yesterday's edition of " La Pagina". So who likes them and why does there have to be so many of them? Are they extra loud this year? Maybe I just need some carbohydrate therapy.

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by CHILLIN Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:44 pm

You know Clueless you should check in with the Focus on Mexico people. If you join there are a lot of benefits for newcomers - mostly information and support. They also have an excellent newsletter for members, which includes local events.
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:03 am

Guad reporter early in year has a list of stuff that goes on for the year. I always pull that out and save it.

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by DaveChapala Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:06 am

Chapala government web site.


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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by CHILLIN Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:19 pm

I am only teasing Ms. Thang - but you are obviously a NASCAR fan (Richard Petty) and a great many Mexicans would find it a most mysterious activity to watch loud, roaring engines, travel around in a circle hour after hour!
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Pedro Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:35 pm

CHILLIN wrote:I am only teasing Ms. Thang - but you are obviously a NASCAR fan (Richard Petty) and a great many Mexicans would find it a most mysterious activity to watch loud, roaring engines, travel around in a circle hour after hour!
and a great many mexicans follow all kindsa auto and moto racing LIVE right here in mexico[gasp!].
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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Ms.Thang Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:42 pm

I've been to a few events as a guest of someone in the industry and I had a blast, but I am definitely not a fan of NASCAR races. The only thing I can tell you about NASCAR races is that it is not just car's a party. A very long, elaborate party. Kinda like the Francisco de Asis hootenanny this week.
I get your point, though. Some people enjoy things that I find to be ghastly. I'm really pointing to not just my opinion but public opinion as a whole, if you read the local news you won't see any supporters of it there. It's really a big source of contention especially among the merchants and residents in el centro who have to listen to it all day every day. But, the rockets are gone now and we will all forget about them and when the church ladies come around next year collecting money for the fiesta we will all give and not even think about the cojetes until a month later when they start firing them off and then we will start complaining again. Ha!

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Another parade I missed. How do I  find when they are happening? Empty Re: Another parade I missed. How do I find when they are happening?

Post by Rosa Venus Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:24 pm

CHILLIN are obviously a NASCAR fan (Richard Petty) and a great many Mexicans would find it a most mysterious activity to watch loud, roaring engines, travel around in a circle hour after hour!

A great many people from the U.S. would too, including me. Nonetheless...

Nascar Mexico

NASCAR's First Mexican Owned Team

And then there's the boy wonder F-1 driver, Sergio Pérez, from Guadalajara:

Sergio Pérez
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Rosa Venus
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