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Ocotlan Flooded

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Ocotlan Flooded

Post by Guest Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:20 pm

Parts of Ocotlan had standing water up to 3 meters deep. Since their run off goes into the Rio Lerma, Lake Chapala should be receiving all sorts of junk and water pretty soon. Of course the farmers will be getting their dams topped off before that but may have to turn some loose as well or risk a breech depending on how high the water is behind these illegal dams.


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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by solajijic Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:38 pm

This evening we spent about an hour detouring around flooded underpasses and low lying streets. Everyone was very patient with each other. There were a LOt of trucks. We had spent the day in Morelia and it really isn't such a long trip for just a day. The cuota is lovely once you get on it.

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Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by Mainecoons Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:08 am

I went with the futbol team to a town in Guanajuato state yesterday, there was standing water everywhere and every pond and small lake seemed absolutely filled to the brim. We returned last night at 9PM to Ajijic just as a downpour was ending.

We're making up for a poor August rainfall here in October, it seems.

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by CanuckBob Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:03 am

The water is now touching the lower seawall at one point midway along the Ajijic malecon. It hasn't been this high in several years. Another two weeks of this and we will be fishing from the Tequila Republic again.
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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by Mainecoons Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:40 am

You fish, I want to drink and munch there again while looking at the fantastic lake views. Damn I wish someone would reopen that place. We used to go there regularly for a before dinner drink.

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by CanuckBob Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:03 am

Well........ we used to fish, drink & munch there all at the same time. They didn't have a problem with someone hanging a rod out the window......jaja.
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Location : Lake Chapala (from Vancouver)
Humor : Sick and twisted

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by Mainecoons Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:23 am

That's it. Reopen it as a fishing shack with all the fixings.

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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by CanuckBob Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:22 pm

If the lake came way up and stayed up I would love to get involved in a business there. I would make it like a Margaritaville/Hard Rock/Senor Frogs type venue with souvenir shops, etc.
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Ocotlan Flooded Empty Re: Ocotlan Flooded

Post by Mainecoons Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:46 pm

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen until and unless the government actually cuts back the upstream diversions and illegal dams.

Most of the water loss in this lake is due to inefficient and illegal irrigators. While the local crew of enviro wackos goes on about the few inches GDL uses and prevents the construction of a second pipe that would allow the first, now losing 40 percent of what goes into it, to be shut down and repaired, they are clueless about where the real water loss is.

#1: Irrigators
#2: Evaporation

Those two alone account for 90 percent.
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Humor : Mad Magazine

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