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Let me introduce myself.

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Let me introduce myself. Empty Let me introduce myself.

Post by Eljay Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:21 pm

I am Betty Parker and I run the Upscaleresalebazar in Riberas, this is for the benefit of Love in Action
and Hope House.

Let me introduce myself. 15ppy08

We will have a banner up very soon but for right now, I want to invite you all to a very special event on the 23rd, if this month starting at about 1030,, and that is our first Bookworm Book Sale. We will have several hundred non-consignment books in front of the shop, every genre you can think of; hardcover and soft.

The price is $1.50 for paperbacks and $2.50 for hard covers. There will be other items with a 5% or 10% discount.

And for something special; early arrivals get FREE coffee and sweets.

Last but for sure not least, everyone who buys something gets a ticket for our prize drawing at 4p. (that's one ticket per person, not per item). The drawing is for a Garmin GPS for your car, including a base. This has U.S. maps., but I believe it has a slot that will take a card for a street map of Mexico.

We are also planning to do special sales every month or so with special themes. We are shooting to be not the biggest, but the best bazar Lakeside.

Check out work-in-progress website at

Hope to see you soon.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2014-10-09

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Let me introduce myself. Empty Re: Let me introduce myself.

Post by Jim W Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:22 pm

Welcome to the board Betty. Good luck to you on your new venture.
Jim W
Jim W
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Join date : 2010-04-24
Age : 76
Location : Chapala
Humor : Whenever I need it!

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Let me introduce myself. Empty Re: Let me introduce myself.

Post by Eljay Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:32 am

Tomorrow is the sale.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2014-10-09

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