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TV stuff

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TV stuff Empty TV stuff

Post by bimini6 Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:11 pm

Does anyone lakeside sell Roku or a internet grabbing device for TV? My husband is in a funk and we need TV ASAP. Any help out there, I have seen previous discussions before I know a lot of you know something beside SHAW etc. I am not techno savvy. Thanks for any help. If SHAW is the answer then could you let me know who to install and how much aprox.

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by bimini6 Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:11 pm

What he wants the most is US college football and news

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by CHILLIN Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:48 pm

Do you have internet (which you must unless you posted this by carrier pigeon Very Happy) Then the easiest is to watch TV over the internet. You can install a vdeo card in the computer which will output to High Definition TV. A good website is - they get all the news shows. You need a free program called Hola installed on your browser. It will come up as a smiley face flame on your browser's tool bar. Go to the Hulu site, and when it says it can't let you in, click on the smiley face then choose the U.S. flag. Both programs are free. College games and sports I do not know, but there must be websites for this as well.

We have fairly slow internet, at 1.5 typical speed. You can't have more than one computer streaming though, not enough horsepower. There is a way to record shows off Hulu or Youtube to your hard disk, but I haven't seen the need for that.
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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by bimini6 Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:32 pm

Thank you for your response and options! Much appreciated.

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by Mainecoons Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:00 pm

I've got a ROKU. Not too impressed with what is available on it. You can get ESPN if you can get a user name and password to an ESPN carrying cable channel NOB.

Good ole cheapo Telecable carries a lot of U.S. sports.

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by CanuckBob Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:41 pm

If you are a huge sports fan your best bet is to get Shaw with the complete sports package. It isn't cheap but you will find most games/sports you ever want.
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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by bimini6 Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:20 pm

I think I will go and check out Shaw tomorrow as we know it will carry more sports than others available. It is the college sports my husband likes the most and that is limited if we are not in the US……..Thank you to everyone. I know a lot of this has been asked over and over again!

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by Playaboy Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:28 pm

Have him try this site

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TV stuff Empty Re: TV stuff

Post by bimini6 Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:14 pm

Playaboy, much thanks, that may get him what he wants, I hate to pay the start up cost for Shaw.

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