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Dr Valenzuela, Quality Care Certification in minimal invasive surgery from Strasbourg France.

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Dr Valenzuela, Quality Care Certification in minimal invasive surgery from Strasbourg France. Empty Dr Valenzuela, Quality Care Certification in minimal invasive surgery from Strasbourg France.

Post by sm1mex Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:46 pm

Advanced Member

Dr. Valenzuela at Quality Care has just returned from the European Institute of TeleSurgery, University of Strasbourg France with certifications in lecture and hands on surgery for minimal invasive laparoscopic surgery including bowel resections, pancreatic and liver surgery. Anyone that may need surgery as listed here may be interested in investigating this non invasive surgery, rather than large open incisions.

What is Minimally Invasive Surgery ?

In the History of surgery there have been efforts to each day improve techniques and surgical approaches to reduce the trauma and risks as well as bring back patients to a quick recovery and return to normal activities with the least or no consequence of surgery at all.
At the beginning surgeons tried doing smaller incisions and even tried to operate through scopes with very poor benefits and at a higher risk rate because it started happening at a stage in which there were not so many technology gadgets.
Laparoscopy is a type of minimally invasive surgery done in the abdominal cavity that showed significant improvement compared to conventional surgery.
Laparoscopy is minimally invasive surgery done through very tiny, smaller that 1 cm incisions through which we can safely reproduce surgical procedure done in conventional surgery but improving postoperative pain control, hernia rate, wound site infection rate and also provide excellent aesthetic outcomes.
Through this method we can currently remove the appendix, Gall bladder, large tumors Bowel resections, Weight loss surgery, perform biopsies as well as hernia repair. almost any other surgical procedure can be achieved through this method.
Minimally invasive surgery is also applied in neck and thyroid surgery, thoracic surgery, orthopedic and currently other methods are being developed to access brain and spinal cord.
Robotic surgery is a type of Minimally invasive surgery in which the Robot (Da Vinci Robot) is a tool that a skilled surgeon uses to improved accuracy and visibility in the operative field with the disadvantage of being 10 times more expensive that laparoscopy and without significant benefits on surgical outcomes.
Minimally invasive surgery is no longer the future of surgery, it is now days the preferred approach to most of the elective and some of the emergency surgeries that we perform in our daily practice with excellent results.

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