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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by jle Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:31 pm

Yesterday my boyfriend and I stopped in Tom's bar in Ajijic. I have not been there for a long time mainly because it is a sol bar and my beer of choice is Victoria which they do not sell, Well, we stopped by at approx 1:30 pm and of course we were the only patrons there. We each had 2 Centenairo Reposaso tequilas which would equal 4 tequilas total. When I got my bill the total was $360 pesos. What the hell, That is 90 pesos per tequila. Now let me tell you, these were a straight shot. not a shot and a little bit added on top of that. When I questioned the gringa bartender about the price, she said pretty much it is what it is set by Tom. I kinda have a bit of a hard time.believing that, but you never know,

Nowl, I would love to hear from Tom on this. Is he charging 90 pesos per tequila which is about 50 to 60 pesos over any other bar here. Or was the Gringa bartender just ripping us off? Or did she make a mistake which she would not account for? One thing for sure. I have not been in that bar for a year or so, and I will never return in the future.

Make sure you ask your bartender at Toms bar exactly what the price of your drink is before you get it.

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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by Pedro Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:39 pm

She must be from canada-SNORK!
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by jle Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:44 pm

No,she said she was from Minneapolis MN, USa

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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by Pedro Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:48 pm

but those were canadian prices so you must have looked like canadians. was one of you wearing a tilley hat made in winterpeg?
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by addtocart Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:29 am

jle wrote:No,she said she was from Minneapolis MN, USa
Same thing.
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by WDBarr Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:22 pm

This is interesting, because the same thing happened to us in early November. We stopped in for a glass of wine and the gringa bartender did not have enough of what we wanted, so she offered us half glass a piece for the price of one glass. We said okay, but when we got the bill she had charged us for two full glasses and charged a premium price for cheap wine that had already started to turn sour. We paid and left. But, my friend mumbled something about never coming back for those prices and she ran out the door after us and offered half the money back. Tom was sitting in the back of the bar as this was going on so maybe he is aware of what she is doing.

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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by addtocart Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:44 am

WDBarr wrote:This is interesting, because the same thing happened to us in early November. We stopped in for a glass of wine and the gringa bartender did not have enough of what we wanted, so she offered us half glass a piece for the price of one glass. We said okay, but when we got the bill she had charged us for two full glasses and charged a premium price for cheap wine that had already started to turn sour. We paid and left. But, my friend mumbled something about never coming back for those prices and she ran out the door after us and offered half the money back. Tom was sitting in the back of the bar as this was going on so maybe he is aware of what she is doing.
Sounds like Tom knows exactly what "she" is doing.
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by Mainecoons Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:57 am

It's too bad.  When we moved here, this was a decent neighborhood watering hole that had the big games on TV, very good prices and they served up a competent burger and fries.  There was smoking there but there was smoking everywhere.  On most Sunday afternoons, there was a good crowd in there enjoying the games, beer and food.

When the smoking law came in, for whatever reason they decided to defy the law and soon they were the only smoke filled place left in town.  We stopped going there as did everyone we knew.  Just never went back even after the government slapped them with a big fine for violating the smoking law and they finally complied.

It looks like they've pretty much killed off their business and this sure won't help. El Bar Co seems to have taken their place as a good watering hole to watch the games.
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by gringal Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:54 pm

Load shotgun. Aim at own foot. Shoot.
Business plan at Tom's, apparently.

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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by CalgaryBoy Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:31 am

I have only been here a short time and have walk pass the bar a few times with every intention of stopping in one day. After reading the above experiences I think I will just keep walking. There are so many other places Lakeside that treat you right with good prices.


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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:43 pm

Just for the record......Tom moved back to Florida about 6 months ago and left the bar with a friend. It is currently for sale and could likely be bought pretty cheap. His brother and father own it and have no interest in coming to Mexico.
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Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic Empty Re: Beware of prices at Tom's bar in Ajijic

Post by bimini6 Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:20 pm

Maybe that is it. The bartender is trying to scam you and save enough money to buy the place. You can all be part owners if you have been scammed.

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