wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
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wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
recently we started being done by dr. sandra.
i just got home from there after all my uppers were extracted except one. the bones underneath were scraped to even them and then many sutures applied to prepare for a denture in about 4 weeks. total cost for mucho work-$8100pesos. a dental studen from u de g was there observing. the one tooth remaining was healthy and will act like an implant for the denture after it gets a root canal.
i just got home from there after all my uppers were extracted except one. the bones underneath were scraped to even them and then many sutures applied to prepare for a denture in about 4 weeks. total cost for mucho work-$8100pesos. a dental studen from u de g was there observing. the one tooth remaining was healthy and will act like an implant for the denture after it gets a root canal.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
OMG. All in one "sitting?" Conscious?
kb9gzg- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
she sent me the after pic-anyone wanna see it? yes local anesthetic. it took about 1 1/2 hours and they played 50's rock for me. i took several pain pills yesterday but was pain free overnight and today so far. damn she's good!
my wife had her do 2 crowns a while ago and that was half the price our former dentist quoted.
my wife had her do 2 crowns a while ago and that was half the price our former dentist quoted.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
Fantastic! You going to do implants or dentures?
My home dentist was very impressed with bridge work done by Dr. Eloy Berrigan after I lost a crown while in Ajijic. He had to extract the rotting tooth (an hour), after the initial half-hour consult during which he had sealed the bad tooth; spent almost two hours building the temporary bridge; and another hour adjusting the permanent one that had been constructed of German porcelain (which, according to my dentist, is the best available) by a lab in Guadalajara. Perfect fit. Total cost was $10,000 pesos. My dentist told me that he would have had to charge me three times that amount in dollars.
My home dentist was very impressed with bridge work done by Dr. Eloy Berrigan after I lost a crown while in Ajijic. He had to extract the rotting tooth (an hour), after the initial half-hour consult during which he had sealed the bad tooth; spent almost two hours building the temporary bridge; and another hour adjusting the permanent one that had been constructed of German porcelain (which, according to my dentist, is the best available) by a lab in Guadalajara. Perfect fit. Total cost was $10,000 pesos. My dentist told me that he would have had to charge me three times that amount in dollars.
kb9gzg- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
denture. at my age implants are a waste of money as far as i'm concerned,besides she left that 1 tooth to help hold the denture. barragan was our former dentist.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
here ya go. before the work.the work and my new denture.already had a lower denture. my uppers, even under the nice looking bridge were wrecked by diabetes and all the heart/stroke medications i've been taking for a number of years.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
Where is Dr. Sandra's office located? And is she taking new patients?
suegarn- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
Triple yikes, glad you had great work done. Don't wish that kind of dental work on anyone. For y'all with teeth - don't forget to floss - REGULARLY. From my dentist - put a little dab (about one third of the brush surface) of bicarbonate of soda powder (yes - the ol' Arm & Hammer ) on your brush before brushing. It's cheap. It will help whiten your teeth (read the ingredients on a lot of "teeth whitening pastes"). It's a natural disinfectant. Most important - it will promote oxygenation of your gum tissue - healthy gums - healthy dentition. You're welcome. de nada
borderreiver- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
borderreiver wrote:Triple yikes, glad you had great work done. Don't wish that kind of dental work on anyone. For y'all with teeth - don't forget to floss - REGULARLY. From my dentist - put a little dab (about one third of the brush surface) of bicarbonate of soda powder (yes - the ol' Arm & Hammer ) on your brush before brushing. It's cheap. It will help whiten your teeth (read the ingredients on a lot of "teeth whitening pastes"). It's a natural disinfectant. Most important - it will promote oxygenation of your gum tissue - healthy gums - healthy dentition. You're welcome. de nada
Disgusting photo borderreiver.......I am 68 and still have all mine.
Jim W- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
Jim, you handsome guy. There was not a coma after "photo" in your reply. Gave me pause to suggest that I was in any way associated with "Pedro's" Disgusting Images of the inner views of his decrepit oral sanctum. I guess our "mods" think these images are "Kool". Who knows, maybe it's dental shock image therapy for their children. Surgery wise, I hope that's about it for "Pedro" for now. Who knows what other orifices he may wish to share outside the Octagon. I shudder.
borderreiver- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
lucky you. my best friend who went through very long chemo for his cancer lost a few of his teeth and needed 26 crowns, had great but extensive dental work done here in chapala. for 1/10th of what it would have cost him in canada.Jim W wrote:borderreiver wrote:Triple yikes, glad you had great work done. Don't wish that kind of dental work on anyone. For y'all with teeth - don't forget to floss - REGULARLY. From my dentist - put a little dab (about one third of the brush surface) of bicarbonate of soda powder (yes - the ol' Arm & Hammer ) on your brush before brushing. It's cheap. It will help whiten your teeth (read the ingredients on a lot of "teeth whitening pastes"). It's a natural disinfectant. Most important - it will promote oxygenation of your gum tissue - healthy gums - healthy dentition. You're welcome. de nada
Disgusting photo borderreiver.......I am 68 and still have all mine.
i didn't have cancer but as mentioned other problems beyond my control that affected my upper teeth gums and was like scurvy and arm and hammer wouldn't have helped. so don't look at the picture-it is what it is.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
she has an office in chapala and san antonio and of course she will take more patients.suegarn wrote:Where is Dr. Sandra's office located? And is she taking new patients?
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
Lucky you and Lucky him. Really. We all just want to hang and enjoy life healthfully for as long as possible. My reply was to promote ongoing dental health for those who can take advantage of that advice. For those whose dental health has declined it's wonderful that they can receive excellent healthcare here, and have the benefits. I reiterate, why did you have to post images of the procedure on the Mirador ? It should have gone strait to the "Octagon"
borderreiver- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
your reply is well taken about dental hygiene and this is the medical /dental forum not the mirador so why would this be appropriate in the octagon since this post is about some serious necessary work that others may require? thanks to sandra dentista,i can now enjoy pain free in my mouth as you suggest. i was not answering you but the person who thought the foto of the work was "disgusting" and quoted you. it did not take me long to accept dr. sandra's suggestion after a long time pain and deterioration in my mouth that had no other solution even though, i tried, having a high pain threshold from playing a game for 51 years where teeth get busted regularly among other things. hence the bridge and lower denture. all dentists will tell you to keep the originals as long as possible.for some of us, as you can see from the surgery pic my time for that had run out she told me it would require painful extractions and bone scraping and sutures. seeing a picture like this would not have deterred me but helped my decision,in any.event. i had more bone scrapings and additional sutures after this as well. it weren't no fun sport,but the end result will be.borderreiver wrote:Lucky you and Lucky him. Really. We all just want to hang and enjoy life healthfully for as long as possible. My reply was to promote ongoing dental health for those who can take advantage of that advice. For those whose dental health has declined it's wonderful that they can receive excellent healthcare here, and have the benefits. I reiterate, why did you have to post images of the procedure on the Mirador ? It should have gone strait to the "Octagon"
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
dra. sandra's phone #'s:765-3502, 765-5444
i have her cell# but that may be because i am already a patient.
i have her cell# but that may be because i am already a patient.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
What is an appropriate photo for Inside Lakeside in any forum is up to the moderators.
While some people may be disturbed or disgusted by that photo I admire Pedro's complete comfort with his various body parts, presenting them as they are for the world to see.
Again, I offer the Foe function for those who do not wish to see images they find disturbing. I can scan this thread and read the comments without again looking at an image I prefer not to see. I could also just stop reading the thread.
While some people may be disturbed or disgusted by that photo I admire Pedro's complete comfort with his various body parts, presenting them as they are for the world to see.
Again, I offer the Foe function for those who do not wish to see images they find disturbing. I can scan this thread and read the comments without again looking at an image I prefer not to see. I could also just stop reading the thread.
Lady Otter Latté- Share Holder
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Re: wow! dra. sandra anaya,dentista
by the way,the new denture and a re-line of my lower came to $9500mp more. it had to be specially made because there was hardly anything for the new one to hang on to except that lone tooth. tonight i'm going to try pork ribs bbq'd with garlic powder, hy's seasoned salt and woody's cookin' sauce with home fries dipped in tbq sauce on the side.
Pedro- Share Holder
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