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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Lady Otter Latté
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by otrocanuck Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:01 pm

It has been two months now that CFE has not been able to supply continuous non-interrupted power to my home. I am and have been experiencing daily and sometimes several outages in a day. I have called them out several times but each time they leave immediately when they see my power is back on or they try everything to skirt around what is needed to be done to correct the problem. I have hired an independent electrician who has confirmed it is a problem with the CFE feed. I can not get them to fix it and do not know where to turn next to get uninterrupted power.
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by otrocanuck Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:12 pm

That was suppose to read "What is the trick to get CFE to do their job?"
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:20 pm

Oh good. I thought you had given up on the carrot approach. Very Happy
Lady Otter Latté
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by Ms.Thang Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:36 pm

Here's the stick: you have to go to the CFE administrative offices and talk to one of those guys. You will need a photo ID to get in.

QThis gentleman really helped me:

Ing. Rodolfo Sosa Garcia

I have his phone # and email if you want it but I would go in person.


Unfortunately I do not have the address. Maybe someone else can help you with that . It is on something like Clle. De la Estacionera... You get to that street from Av. Cristiania near the train station. CFE is on your left a couple of blocks down. You will want to park before the office because once you get past the guard gates there is no parking.

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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by Ezzie Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:12 pm

The trick with CFE is to get to the right guy (as suggested above). It's all about who you know with them. Going the Call Center way sometimes just doesn't get it done.

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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by cypress Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:03 am

Hire a lawyer to talk to them.

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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by otrocanuck Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:53 am

Great news, yesterday CFE came and did something to the transformer down the road and so far no outages today. Only two months of grief to get it corrected but it looks as if it is now. Next 24 hours will tell.
Thanks for the advise and contacts - I will keep those on hand for the next time.
An electrician told me it took so long because I did not tip the service guys from CFE when they came the first time.
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:14 am

Perhaps the service guys follow this forum and thought they better get over there PDQ......... Beer Beer
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What is the stick to get CFE to do their job Empty Re: What is the stick to get CFE to do their job

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:00 pm

A lot of frustration can be saved if you put in a back-up generator system.

I put one in when I had a very large house and then when I moved to a smaller one. In each case, the install was easy and if you want to do a little more work, all you have to do is run some wire on the outside of the house and bring it into a receptacle you put in. When power goes off, simply turn on the generator and plug whatever you want into the "Gen" receptacle,

I have a 4K watt generator which is way too large, so get one that meets your needs.

Just my thought.
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