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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

hank chance
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:19 am

Someone asked me this and I wasn't sure.

Also, can somebody purchase and register a car with a tourist visa?
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by viajero Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:32 am

No to the DL,not sure about the purchase and register.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:38 am

Thanks Viajero. That's what I thought. I know a lot of snowbirds own cars down here so I'm thinking the purchase/register may be OK.
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Ezzie Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:15 am

Purchase/register a vehicle is OK with a tourist permit.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Mainecoons Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:35 am

Buy a car yes, get a DL no. But the unexpired NOB DL is perfectly legal here.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Intercasa Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:05 am

DL no because they ask for a temporary or permanente as well as a CURP number which tourists cannot get
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by hank chance Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:49 am

Mainecoons wrote:But the unexpired NOB DL is perfectly legal here.


hank chance

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by RVGRINGO Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:54 am

Unexpired = Valid
A valid license from almost anywhere is also valid in Mexico.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Rolly Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:07 pm

No, Hank, you got it wrong.  Valid foreign DLs are OK in México.
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by hank chance Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:11 pm

My bad. Read it wrong. Time to visit the optometrist.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by bimini6 Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:31 pm

I say it depends on where you are. I got a DL without any problems on a tourist visa………it was in the state of Sinaloa. Daughter got one in Guad on tourist visa, so definitely not impossible.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:57 am

Need Curp for DL now.  Residents only can get Curp.  Things change you know. A resident is considered FM2,FM3 or Perm. or Temp visa not a tourist visa which were/are FMT/FMM.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:59 am

I hope bimini will share when and how he and his daughter got DLs with tourist visas. It is good to have all the pertinent information.
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by bimini6 Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:33 am

Daughter 2 years ago in Jalisco, me 3 years ago in Sinaloa, so not that recent. If you want one, you can get one according to my daughter. Just have to run into the right person with some pesos in hand and a passport photo….for all you that want to scold, I already know all the don't do bribes etc. I don't but I am just stating a fact that it CAN be done. Just not the legal right way.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by viajero Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:02 pm

bimini6 wrote:  If you want one, you can get one according to my daughter.  Just have to run into the right person with some pesos in hand and a passport photo….
Why the passport photo?Don't they take your photo when you get your license?
You must be talking about a completely fraudulent license.
Some of the advice people give on these forums is simply amazing... Rolling Eyes

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:04 pm

"... I am just stating a fact that it CAN be done. Just not the legal right way."

Ah, that is the important part.
Instead of, "I say it depends on where you are," it would have been more accurate (and actually helpful) to begin, "I say it depends on if you want to do it legally or not."
Because, in truth, you can get things done illegally no matter where you are in Mexico.
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by bimini6 Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:41 pm

I gave no advice, I stated a fact.
Passport photo as they take it into the license office to process it and you are not there for them to take your photo. So because I stated facts, don't confuse this with advice. You asked, you got it. You are trying to shoot the messenger!

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by bimini6 Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:45 pm

And by the way…..mine was completely legal as well as my daughters, so no Oh it depends on where you are crap. You could at least do it legally a couple of years ago as I stated above.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:56 pm

I am sorry for the confusion. I thought when you said, "I don't but I am just stating a fact that it CAN be done. Just not the legal right way," that you meant the way you were talking about was not the legal right way.
Also, not being a worldly person, I had no idea that you can get legal, valid DLs just by running into the right person with some pesos in hand and a passport photo.
I don't blame you for getting annoyed with us. Obviously we are pretty dense.
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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by viajero Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:45 pm

bimini6 wrote:  You are trying to shoot the messenger!

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by viajero Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:04 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote: I had no idea that you can get legal, valid DLs just by running into the right person with some pesos in hand and a passport photo.  
You can't,not if you're here on a tourist visa,regardless of what the "messenger" says.

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Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa? Empty Re: Can someone get a Mexican DL with a tourist visa?

Post by RVGRINGO Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:50 pm

Years ago, we got licenses that way, through a “facilitator“. The first time we presented them to a transito, they were immediately identified as forgeries and we were seriously threatened with jail and worse. Forgery is a serious offense in Mexico. They looked good to us, but when he showed us his own, we could see several problems.  It was the only time we gave mordida, but he retained the licenses and we always wondered if he would hold them over our heads in the future. Fortunately, he did not.  
From then on, we maintained US licenses, which will expire next fall, but that is moot as we are now in AZ.
So, if someone offers you a license that does not require you to be present for your photo and a possible driving test, please say no and do not accept any kind of help from them in the future. Why take the chance?

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