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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Clueless 10th February 2015, 5:45 am

Much easier than having to fill one out at the window at the airport.

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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Pedro 10th February 2015, 8:35 am

our travel agent gives us one and fills it out for us as well. if you do it at the airport sit in a chair and then go to the window. not only is that efficient but polite as well instead of holding up the rest of us.
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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by CanuckBob 10th February 2015, 8:45 am

There is actually a 3' shelf mounted to the wall to the right side of the immigration window for filling out the forms. That being said, you can get a few extras from that office for the next times you are travelling. They don't have them at the Chapala office.
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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Ezzie 10th February 2015, 10:58 am

You still have to go to the INM window at the airport to get your exit card stamped anyway before you go to the check-in counter for the airline you are travelling with.

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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Clueless 10th February 2015, 1:42 pm

Thanks all.

Never hurts to ask.
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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Zedinmexico 10th February 2015, 8:49 pm

Another source is the airplane. They usually will give me extras.

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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

Post by Clueless 11th February 2015, 9:52 am

yes, but I need this one for my trip to the airport so I can save time.

Only a minor inconvenience.
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Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office? Empty Re: Can I get onf of those Immigration exit forms in the chapala office?

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