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Volunteers needed

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Volunteers needed Empty Volunteers needed

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:19 pm

I saw this posted on TOB and thought is was something that is definitely worth the effort:

I hope that everyone has noticed how graffiti in Ajijic has been slowly disappearing over the last year or so. Yes, you'll see an occasional tag pop up here and there but you may not notice that in a day or 2 the tags have been covered up. Walk down the streets of Ajijic and then do the same in Chapala. Night and day.

A very small group of volunteers has silently been working behind the scenes with absolutely no fanfare cleaning up the blight of graffiti from your village. We're talking extremely small - less than 5 people. The Lakeside Garden Guild and GIL have been extremely generous in providing funds for paint and other supplies but we just don't have the manpower to even maintain the status quo let alone expand east and west from Ajijic Centro. If you've been near Seis Esquinas since Saturday you would have noticed a remarkable transformation. The streets are free of graffiti but we don't expect it to last too long. Unfortunately we just don't have enough people to adequately patrol that area without sacrificing the progress made in other parts of town.

We're looking for about 3 volunteers who have transportation and a place to store a small amount of supplies. You can pick your own hours and don't have to report to anyone so if you're busy like a lot of us, just pick an hour here and an hour there and make a paint run.

You will get a lot of satisfaction from the work. You'll get thanks from total strangers both Mexican and expatriates. Kids will want to help you paint over graffiti in their neighborhood. People will actually stop their cars and donate money to the cause because they notice what a difference our efforts make. Today a Mexican lady came out of her house and thanked me profusely for cleaning up her wall and offered me a Coke.

All we need is a 2-4 hours of your time per week for this community project. Once you take on an area of town you'll become extremely protective and feel great about keeping it clean. I'm now working Revolución to 5 de Febrero from the carretera to the mountain and I'm extremely proud to say that at least for the moment, it's graffiti free.

Please send me a PM or call me at 766-0009 if you have any interest in joining our merry group of painters. Not much skill is required, so don't worry if you're not a great painter.

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Age : 61
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Volunteers needed Empty Re: Volunteers needed

Post by oncesubtle Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:07 pm

We'll kick in some pesos if anyone wants to take the lead in Chapala or employ a couple of teens to help. bounce

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Join date : 2010-04-07
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