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Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada

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Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada Empty Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada

Post by Muskydriver Thu 5 Mar 2015 - 14:34

I would like to buy liability insurance for travelling in the USA and Canada with our Mexican plated car.  I have only been able to get $300K US, which we're not comfortable with.  Does anyone have experience in obtaining $2 or 3 million liability insurance?


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Join date : 2015-03-05

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Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada Empty Re: Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada

Post by Canmex 87 Thu 5 Mar 2015 - 15:55

Muskydriver wrote:I would like to buy liability insurance for travelling in the USA and Canada with our Mexican plated car.  I have only been able to get $300K US, which we're not comfortable with.  Does anyone have experience in obtaining $2 or 3 million liability insurance?

I have also looked for higher third party limits with no success.

Canmex 87
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Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada Empty Re: Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada

Post by Ezzie Thu 5 Mar 2015 - 20:34

I don't know if this would work but what about getting a Personal Liability policy in the US for the additional amount? That way if someone were to sue you as the result of an accident for which you were at fault, it would cover you.

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Auto insurance driving into USA & Canada Empty I did find a company out of Colorado that will provide insurance for the USA but can't cover us for Canada. It was fairly expensive in that we only need it for about 1 month twice per year. We need sufficient liability insurance for USA & Canada.

Post by Muskydriver Thu 5 Mar 2015 - 21:27

Ezzie wrote:I don't know if this would work but what about getting a Personal Liability policy in the US for the additional amount?  That way if someone were to sue you as the result of an accident for which you were at fault, it would cover you.


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Join date : 2015-03-05

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