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I thought long and hard before making this post but have to do it.

Jim W
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Post by viajero Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:32 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Maybe it's time for a few guys to lock and load with some high powered paintball guns. Paint those dogs all the way back to their house and then paint the house and owner too....... Beer
That's a pretty creative idea.Non lethal and sends a message,I like it.

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Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:15 pm

Why thank you. I would actually be interested in joining the "hunting party". We could wear those balaclava's and camo gear like the Fed's do on a raid.....Twisted Evil
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Post by espíritu del lago Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:22 pm

Weiner's injected with antifreeze fed to said dog.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:26 pm

I think the only thing you would be feeding to these dogs is your whole arm. They may take the weiner as an appetizer but the effects are far too slow to prevent what would be coming next.....jaja.
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Post by espíritu del lago Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:30 pm

We had a killer Shepard killed goats,dogs,cats, attacked a lady.
Dog catcher couldn't catch.

Neighbor shot him, good riddance. No problems with police either.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by kipissippi Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:57 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:Weiner's injected with antifreeze fed to said dog.

Not even in jest Espi... get rid of them...I'm all for it...but poison... not so much.
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Post by Flamingo Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:59 pm

Husband says count him in on the paintball hunting party.
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Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:04 pm

Beer Beer

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Post by CHILLIN Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:14 pm

Don't look for the CH Frac to help you - they can't even do anything with a household with over 20 dogs in the yard, another with 16 dogs, many others with 6 to 10 dogs. These dogs are not kept in proper kennels or runs. I know someone who just sold his house in CH - relieved that he didn't have to disclose that his neighbor has over 50 cats! Also there were 3 burros abandoned in CH, the police were called and people were upset to learn they took the burros out into the mountains and shot them. What did they think would happen - that the police would start a burro rescue charity?

If the dogs are constantly "at large", dangerous and a nuisance - then they are fair game. I wouldn't even bother the police - there is a gardener in CH who will get rid of them, and their bodies - IF they are at large. If they are on private property, they are exactly that - property, and are protected by many layers of law. That includes the police. You are only left with the option of an illegal contractor, who is unlikely to remove the bodies and therefore likely to infuriate the owners.
I was chewing the fat with an ex-cholo. He knows I, and he never again, would be involved with such things, it was again, just casual conversation. I asked him if it costs $10,000 pesos in Mexico City to have a person killed, what would it cost for a dangerous dog? I guessed $1,000 pesos. He said for that sort of money he would do it himself!
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Post by Trailrunner Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:22 pm

Please, start with the owner! Puppies don't normally turn into rogue killers all by themselves.

Also, no poison! It kills 2nd and 3rd generations later as well.

I would also start by confirming the OPs statement - credibility. . .
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Post by Pedro Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:49 pm

when they ain't puppies no more there ain't nothing can be changed. what you just said makes me think of justin trudeau and how he has become a laughing stock fer suggesting that one must look fer the root causes which created jihadists to solve that problem. the only solution is ta kill viscious dogs like mentioned above before they kill more other animals and attack actual people too. we just took in street dog #5 friday and there ain't nothing nasty about little howdy at all.
sure the owners are pinche pendejos but it's against the law ta kill them. but not their pinche perros.
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Post by Trailrunner Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:53 pm

Exactly my point. Start with the owners, if the replace these dogs they will create monsters again. Agree, it's too late for these dogs they need to be put down.
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Post by Pedro Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:13 pm

they're just gonna tell you to eff off whether you is gringo or mexican. they probly get great enjoyment from what their dogs have been doing for a long time.
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Post by mattoleriver Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:32 pm

Pedro wrote:they're just gonna tell you to eff off whether you is gringo or mexican. they probly get great enjoyment from what their dogs have been doing for a long time.
Yep! The only way to change 'em is to punish the behavior and remove the dogs. Choose yer method.
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Post by kipissippi Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:39 pm

The biggy of course is to do all this without legal repercussions or "pay back" from the neighbors. Are they related to anyone lakeside?
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Post by Jim W Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:53 pm

kipissippi wrote:
espíritu del lago wrote:Weiner's injected with antifreeze fed to said dog.

Not even in jest Espi... get rid of them...I'm all for it...but poison... not so much.

I agree with you Aunti Kip.....killing with poison is not humane, plus the carcass will be consumed by other animals, and they will also die.Thumbs up
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Post by Flamingo Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:59 pm

Just got a note from another neighbor, who says the dogs seem to be MIA right now. Maybe the dog owners has done something. We'll see.
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Post by Ms.Thang Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:03 pm

No dog deserves to be poisioned. The police will shoot a dangerous dog, I know that for a fact. They shot one right outside of my house at 2:00 a.m. a couple of years ago. I know the dog was viscious and had been a problem, attacking dogs on leashes and owners getting injured in the process. I don't know how the plan got put into motion, I was not involved, but that is how it went down.

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Post by CHILLIN Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:11 pm

An important clarification - the new Jalisco animal cruelty and safety laws approved 2012 and 2014 are to be enforced by the bomberos, not the police. Just soze you knows, bomberos also look after the killer bees too. I guess the police are available for backup if requested.
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