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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Rosa Venus
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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by riogrande888 Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:46 pm

I have a friend coming into town who wants to stay at a very nice B&B or holt fairly near the centro of Ajijic. I would appreciate any recommendations of a charming place that would work for him. A nice courtyard would be a plus..


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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by juanrey Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:13 pm

Casa Tres Leones is a very nice B&B and within walking distance of the plaza. Very pretty grounds, pool and service.
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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by CanuckBob Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:29 pm

There is also Luna del Lago right at the bottom of Ramon Corona by the pier. It is the nicest one I have seen in Ajijic centro.
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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by Rosa Venus Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:29 pm

Casa Las Flores, Casa del Sol, and several others also fit the bill. Sounds like a job for Trip Advisor!
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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by Mainecoons Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:17 pm

Tres Leones isn't cheap but it is gorgeous and definitely fits the description of higher end. I'd second that suggestion.

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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by David Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:40 pm

Same is true with Casa del Sol which is closer to the heart of the village.
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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by bimini6 Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:06 pm

I love the old charm of Los Artistas, walking distance to the Plaza and anything else. It is unique and beautiful and the owners are great. It is medium priced.

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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:22 am

Casa Tres Leones is up on the top of the hill above sky gym at top of Los Salvias. Great unique views and a lovely place but if you are walking while not a huge hike some folks wouldn't like the hill oh but what views!  And a good French restaurant near B&B. Quiet except for noise coming up hill. You have choices.


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Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel Empty Re: Referral to a charming, higher end B& B or hotel

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